First Meet

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The next day we met. I went with my aunt and little sister at the place he told me. And he came with one of his friends. I was trembling as for my habit. Then my aunt talked to him cause I was too shy to even look at him. Then he answered all the questions my aunt asked. But he was talking informally. So my aunt didn't liked him. Then when I glanced at him a few time, I saw him already staring at me. I blushed so hard.

Then when we went home, my aunt told me to break every string with him. Cause he's not a good guy as she analysed. He didn't even spent a penny on any of us. And so many red flags were there which my blind ass eye couldn't see. Even my little sister told me that he doesn't seems to be a nice guy. But me? Haha. I was so fucking stupid. I didn't eared their words and kept continue to talk to him. Kept diving into a deep ocean which was full of megalodons.

Then some days went. And it was 14th February aka Valentine's day. Little sister of my uncle's friend was having engagement that day. So I got ready and went there with my family. My aunt, my mom's brother and his wife and child were also invited. Taeyong and his friends were also there.
As all the students of our coaching.

I was wearing this-

I was wearing this-

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When I was leaving for the place I told Jimin. And he said he'll come to see me. So I waited for him so that I could see him too. And also it's been quite long since I last saw him. So I was waiting there. Then when I was sitting alone, Taeyong came to me. And asked how's things going with Jimin. I told him everything's fine so far. Then he left to dance with Hobi and others.

I was alone and then one of my male friend came to me and sat next to me. He used to like me since he joined our coaching. Then he was talking to me also somehow flirting. Then my aunt came, he greeted her and he left. Then here my aunt goes again. She kept asking me does that guy likes me and all. And I said yes he does. So she told me he's good looking and perfect, I could date him. But I just ignored her.

Somewhere I was still waiting for Jimin. But he never came.

Then after the function ended, everyone started leaving for their homes. And I was told to go with one of my uncle's friend in his bike. Then I agreed and went with him. But I was the last person to go home because the uncle I was about to go with was busy chitchatting with his other friends.

Then when I got home. I checked my phone. And there were so many messages from him again. This was the thing I liked so much about him. He used to send so many messages when I wasn't at home or online.

Then as soon as I changed into my comfortable clothes I saw the messages then I replied him and we talked for long time.


📍The previous part and this part is quite short. Actually I had written it in one part but then to make it more interesting I divided it into two parts. Hope you like it.

📍Word count- 590

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