"Ok, you can open your eyes!"

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Ship: Steddie[Steve x Eddie]

AU: Kas!Eddie


Steve woke up to violent knocking on his front door. He looked over at his clock and it was only 10pm, so not too late. He'd fallen asleep on the couch watching a movie.

He got up and opened the door to see Dustin standing there. His face was red, which Steve guessed was from crying. But he was smiling at Steve. Was he seeing this right? Steve rubbed his eyes and looked back at Dustin, who was giving him the biggest smile ever.

"What's up, Dustin?" Steve said in his tired voice.

"I need to show you something!" Dustin was jumping up and down with joy.

"What the fuck are you so giddy about at 10pm?" Steve asked yawning.

"Just- go sit on the couch and cover your eyes, ok?"

"Whatever." So he did just that, he went over to the couch, sat down, and covered his eyes with his hands. Trying to stay awake.

He heard Dustin talking to someone, but didn't hear anyone talking back. He didn't call him by a name either. Steve starts to get a little nervous.

"Dustin, can I look now?" He calls out to Dustin who's standing in the doorway talking to this mysterious person.

"One second!" He replies.

Steve hears the door shut and turns to face the noise but keeping his eyes covered. "Can I look now?"

"Not yet, Steve!" Dustin shouted annoyed, even though it's only the second time he asked.

"Whatever man." Steve lays back on the couch.

"Ok, you can open your eyes!" Dustin sounds happy again.

"K." Steve opens his eyes and sees the person standing in front of him. Tears in the corners of his eyes.

Eddie Munson. Standing in his living room. With blood all over his shirt.

Steve was shocked, he hadn't said anything. His mouth was hanging open and he was sure he looked like the biggest idiot ever.

"Steve, you ok man?" Eddie asked him.

Steve just kept staring for a second before he realized Eddie had asked him something. "Holy shit-" was all he could muster.

"Right!" Dustin shouted jumping up and down again.

While Steve was staring, he noticed some thing different about Eddie. His ears were pointed, and his canines looked sharp.

"Dude- what the fuck happened to you?" Steve stood up from the couch standing in front of Eddie who was across from him on the other side of the coffee table, Dustin standing close beside him.

"I don't know. One minute I was being eaten by the demobats, and then the next minute I was awake in the upsidedown, perfectly fine."

"That's . . . weird." Was all Steve could say. It's not like he wasn't happy to see Eddie, but that's just, like he said, weird. He remembered searching for a pulse and there wasn't one.

"Don't sound so surprised, Harrington." Eddie said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's just . . . I looked for a pulse. You were dead, Eddie." Steve looked confusedly at Eddie.

His shirt was ripped off at the bottom, blood splattered across the top. His scars showing. It was disgusting to Steve. He wouldn't ever mention it, but it was. There was dried blood all around his scars.

Eddie noticed Steve staring at him. "Take a picture, it'll last longer, sweetheart." He smirked at Steve and walked closer to him.

"Shut up, Eddie." Steve rolled his eyes. Blushing a bit. "Are you . . . are you ok?"


"Oh I don't know, you only have blood fucking everywhere!"

"I forgot about that. Do you have any spare clothes I can borrow?"

"Sure I guess. I don't think I have anything in your style though."

"That's fine, pretty boy!" Eddie smirks at Steve again.

"You have to shower first though, you have dried blood all over you." He says. "Does he have anywhere to stay?" He asks Dustin.

"No. I assumed he could stay with you for a little while, while we try to clear his name?"

"Sure, sure. Just . . . Go home and get some rest ok? We'll tell the rest of the gang in the morning."

"Ok!!!" Dustin gives Eddie a quick hug before running out the door and riding home on his bike. Steve wasn't too worried since he only loved on the next street over.

"Ok. Follow me. I'll show you the bathroom, and the guest room. And then my room of you need anything."

Eddie nods and follows Steve around while he shows him where everything is.

"Do you need any food?"

"No. It's kinda weird, I feel hungry, but the thought of eating food just disgusts me."

"That's . . . Really fuckin' weird."

"I think---I think I might be a vampire . . . " Eddie sighs.

"Why do you think that?"

"Well, for starters, I have these weird fangs. And I have this weird craving for blood . . . " He pauses. "It's like I can smell it radiating off of you . . . "

We make eye contact for a second.

"You can, uhm, you can have some if you---if you want." Steve finally speaks.

[Bro, I'm trying so hard to make this seem like a real conversation ;-;.  I'm kind of trying a different writing style- it's not that different, but it'll be fine lol]

"Are you sure? I don't wanna hurt you!"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure. I don't want you to die from hunger. Well--- I guess you wouldn't since you're a vampire. But nonetheless, you should be able to eat!"

"Ok . . . Are you sure, you're sure? Like are you really sure?"



"Just do it."

. . .

Eddie got closer to Steve and grabbed him by the neck. Pushing his head to the side. He put his mouth closer to his neck and bit down. Steve's eyes started filling with tears from the pain. But nonetheless he was blushing like fucking crazy. It was weird. Eddie sucking his blood made him lightheaded.

"Ok, can you stop now . . . ?" Steve muttered.

Eddie let's go of his neck and licks the excess blood away before he steps back. "Sorry . . . Was it too much? I don't wanna hurt you . . . "

"No, it's fine. You're fine. I just started feeling lightheaded. Which I'm pretty sure means you took too much---"

[Idk what else to do with this ;-;.]


Words: 1,042

Like I said, I have no idea what else to do with this 😭😭😭. I'm sorry :(((. But that's all for Vampire Eddie right now guys ú-ù. I'll write more later today probably. And I'm like really obsessed with Prince Eddie AU, or Pirate Eddie AU, so I'm gonna write a lot with those :))).

Anyway, I hope you're all having a wonderful day/night!!!

- Eddie[Eds] <3

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