Happy New Year!

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Steve's POV:

The kids and Eddie are coming over for New years. I invited their parents and siblings as well. I didn't want to take everyone away from their parents on New Years.

I went out grocery shopping for dinner, and snacks, and then went to Family Video and grabbed some Movies(family friendly ones ofc) for us to watch. I got some last minute new years decor. Like those little hats that say 'Happy New Year!' and confetti poppers. Things like that.

When I got back to the house I set up everything. I cooked the food, set up bunches of snacks on the kitchen counters, laid the movies out on the coffee table, got out the inflatable beds, and other things I needed.

I have a few extra bedrooms in my house, so I figured I'd have the parents sleep there, then the kids in the living room.

People eventually started showing up.

First was Dustin and his mom, then the Sinclair's, then Max and her mom, who came around the same time as Eddie and his uncle. Then it was the Wheeler's, and the Byers', who also brought Hopper and El. Then Robin was fashionably late, as always. But at least she made it. Said her parents couldn't come though.

Everyone was enjoying dinner. We were all making conversation. Some asked where my parents were, and how my holiday was with them. I just told them it was fine. That's all I can really say. I don't wanna ruin the mood.

We started watching the movies I brought. I was huddled with Eddie and Robin on the couch. Next to us was Dustin. In between Dustin's feet was Lucas, then next to him was Max, and next to her was El. Mike and Will were huddled close by on the floor with blankets and pillows. Nancy and Jonathan were sitting together on another couch. Joyce and Hopper were sitting with the Sinclair's on another couch. Erica was sleeping upstairs in the room her family was staying in. She had passed out in the middle of the second movie.

The Wheeler's were upstairs as well, said they should head to bed early if they want to wake up on time for the New Years activities they had planned. Max's mom was in the kitchen getting snacks for her and Max. And Eddie's uncle had decided he was going to go home after a couple movies.

It was half an hour 'til midnight.

The night was going amazing. The kids had fallen asleep on air mattresses that Eddie had decided to bring out once the third movie was over. Just in case. Everyone's parents went upstairs to their respective rooms to sleep as well. Now it was just Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, Me, and Eddie. Robin was starting to nod off. But she powered through to midnight. Even after I tried to get her to go to sleep.

"Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One!" We all whispered as to not wake up the kids. "Happy New Year everybody!"

[It's actually the last half our 'til midnight rn 💀]

I kissed Eddie then turned to Robin and kissed her on the cheek. Nancy and Jonathan kissed as well. It's New Years tradition.

I can't wait for the new year. I hope for no more bad things to happen to our very scarred friend group.

Eventually we all fall asleep on the couches.

And the new year has officially started.

Words: 582
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have a one! But in all seriousness, I wrote the half hour thing not even realizing it was actually a half hour for me myself lol. ANYWAY- I love you all, and I hope you have a great year! Also, this was thrown together last minute, so don't judge me if it's bad-]

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