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This is kind of a vent chapter.

TW: super angsty ass shit, enjoy :]

Steve's POV:

So far, I've had the worst weeks, in the history of worst weeks. I feel like everyone's calling 'stupid', or 'idiot', or gloating about how much better they are than me.

Don't get me wrong, I don't care about people being better than I am. I know they're plenty people that are better than me in a lot of things. But when people are saying it to me constantly, especially about things I'm confident about, it gets on my nerves.

[Same girly pop, it's annoying as fuck.]

"You're such an idiot, Steve." Robin says rolling her eyes.

I know she's joking. But now's not the time for jokes.

I don't even respond. The frown on my face just getting bigger.

I've been working my ass off all day, of course my worst week was the ONE week we had ANY customers. So I'd been doing all the work because Robin kept complaining she was tired. But what about me? I'm tired too. Why can't I get a break?

She doesn't even ask about me anymore. I've noticed. She might not have. But I did. And she's not the only one either. After this I have to give the kids a ride to the arcade, and then stay there with them until they wanna go home.

All they ever ask me is to take them places. I can't even say "I'm busy" because they know I'm not. Because according to them. I have no friends. I have no plans. I'm just a person who's always free, who they can make take them places, who's house they can use for their stupid D&D campaigns.

I'm sick and tired of it. But I wouldn't tell them that. Which is why I shouldn't be complaining.

All I do is complain. That's all I hear from my dad whenever he comes home. I need to stop complaining. I need to get off my ass, and do something with my life. Need to get a girl. Have a family. Get in the family business.

I don't want that. I don't even like girls, I found out. That's gonna be horrible to break to him. I can't lose my home too. Even though it's too big for just me to live in all the time.

[Why am I getting anxiety writing this?]

After work I got ready to take the kids to the arcade.

Once I had picked everyone up, we were off to the arcade. But there was one teensy problem. My eyes started shutting. I think Max noticed, she was sitting next to me in the passenger seat.

"Are you ok, Steve?" She asked.

"Hm?" I turn my head towards her for a second. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Your eyes keep closing."

"I said, I'll be fine, Max."

"Ok. Ok."

We made it to the arcade and when we walked in we found a table to sit at. I sat down and crossed my arms on the table laying my head of them.

Everyone went to go play the arcade games. Leaving me by myself.

I heard someone sit down in the booth infront of my. I honestly don't know how, because it's loud as hell in this fucking building.

"Hey, you ok?" The person asked. It was a male voice, I could tell.

"I'm fine." It was muffled by my arms, but I'm sure he could hear me.

"Whatever you say man."

I life up my head so my chin is resting on my arms now, instead of my forehead.

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