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Might make a couple parts about this :).


3rd person POV:

Steve and Eddie. They were around 5 years old. They met on the playground when their parents were supposed to be watching them. Steve was sitting on the swings, he wasn't having fun. He wanted to be playing with his parents like everyone else. But they were at home working. They never had time for Steve. He thought he could make friends on the playground, but no one wanted to play with him.

That is until someone came up to him. He had buzzed hair, and dark brown eyes. He was the cutest kid you could ever see! "Hi!" He waved and smiled at Steve, who looked up at the small boy and gave a weak wave back. Normally kids would just walk away after that. But this kid . . . He didn't leave. "I'm Eddie!" He holds his hand out for Steve to shake.

"I'm Stephen." Steve says blankly. He wasn't happy today.

"Can I swing with you?" He asks, gesturing to the empty swing next to him. Smart kid.

"Mhm." Steve nods.

"Do you have a nickname?" Eddie asks. He looks over to Steve has he starts swinging.

"No. Why?" Steve looks at him confused. He thought his name was fine.

"Stephen is just a long name. What if I call you . . . Uhhhhh . . . Evie!"

"Sure. I wanna give you a nickname then!" Steve starts to get more energetic as he talks to Eddie.

"What would you call me?"

"Eds." He smiles at Eddie. Evie and Eds. Perfect.

"Cool! I like it!" Eddie is a very energetic child. He's smart too. "Where are you parents, Evie?"

"At home." Steve sighs.

"Aren't they supposed to be here with you?" Eddie grows concerned. His mom had told him he should never be at the park alone. Steve shrugs.

"They don't like coming to the park."

"Oh." Eddie continues swinging. It's silent for a minute. "Wanna come play pirates with me?" Eddie stops the swing.

"Sure!" They both jump up and start playing. Running around the park, finding 'treasure', explaining the game to each other as they go on. You know how kids play. Eventually Eddie has to go home. Some lady comes up to him and says it's time to go. "Bye Eds!"

"Bye Evie!" They wave to each other before going their separate ways.

"Who was that, Eddie?" The lady asked. She was wearing a dressy outfit and was wearing a name tag that said Jennifer. She was a Social Services worker. Eddie had some trouble at home and she had been figuring things out for him.

"My friend. His name is Stephen. But I call him Evie." Eddie smiled at the Jennifer.

"That's sweet." She smiles done at him. Eddie's dad was supposed to come meet them at the park so him and Jennifer could discuss about Eddie. But he didn't show. Eddie knows that though, because he looked over at the Social Worker constantly. Trying to find his dad.

They hoped on into the lady's car. She buckled him up in his car seat. "Papa didn't come . . . " Eddie looked upset. He had watery eyes.

"No, dear. I'm sorry." She looked at him through the rearview mirror. "I'm sure he's just busy." She gives a comforting smile. Eddie nods.

After a few more hours, it started getting dark out, and Steve had to walk home alone. It's a good thing that he's been to the park enough to know his way around. And that his house is near the park as well.

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