Steve's Parents

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[Quick side note: sorry if it's a little messy, I was bored and this is what came out of my brain at the moment :)]

TW: extremely bad parents :D, neglect, abuse, all that shizz

Steve's POV:

We were all sitting in the Wheeler's basement. It was after Eddie had gotten his name cleared, and all that other shit went down before. We were basically having a party, but not at the same time. Y'know? It's like we all just decided to go over to Mike and Nancy's house to hang out, like a small celebration.

But then a conversation that I didn't want to discuss came up. Parents. It started with Mike telling Will about how his father had been acting lately. And then Will talked about his father, and then Max joined in about Neil and Billy, and then it just went off from there. It made me slightly uncomfortable. But I didn't say anything when I should've. It was a strange thing honestly. To be talking about negative things when you're supposed to be celebrating.

Then Dustin turned to me. "What are your parents like, Steve? We've never met them before."

"Oh -- Uhm. I'd rather not--" I started.

"Yeah, when we were dating, I'd never even met them. Sure I'd been to your house a lot, but they were never there." Nancy interrupts me.

"Yeah, no, they're fine. It's fine. I'm fine. Let's move on from this conversation, yeah?" I speak fast. Due to my discomfort. El took notice too it. I could tell she was reading my thoughts. Her nose was bleeding. Then her eyes turned to something softer. Something of understanding. She got up and came close to my ear.

"Bad papa?" She asked in a whisper. I nod. Looking down at my lap afterwards. She heads back over to Mike and Will and continues to talk to them about other things. I thought the conversation was over with. But then it came up again. Eddie had come back from the bathroom, and everyone was curious as to why he'd been living with his uncle instead of his parents.

"Well, little sheep. Not everyone has picture perfect lives. My dad's in prison, and my mom passed away when I was 8. So child services found my uncle and I've just been living with him since." Eddie sighs. "But let's not let this change everyone's mood, this is supposed to be a party!" He smiles at everyone.

Dustin turns to me again. "Pleeeease tell us about your parents!!! We're dying to know about them!" They probably assume they're great since they 'give me so much money' when they're away.


"Pleasssssseeee!!!" He begs. "We won't bother you at all the rest of the night!"



"Because I said so, Dustin. I don't want to talk about it, okay?" I raised my voice. But it wasn't on purpose. I didn't mean too . . .

"Yeah. Whatever, Steve." He rolls his eyes at me before turning back to the group.

"I'll be right back." I get up and go to the bathroom. I slam the door behind me. I slide down to the ground and pull my knees to my chest. I try to steady my breathing, but it isn't helping very much. All this talk about stupid parents is bringing back memories I wish I didn't have. It's all so fucking stupid. Parents are stupid. Feelings are stupid.

I hold in my sobs as I hear people walk past. Eventually someone knocks on the door. "Steve? You okay in there?" I hear Eddie ask.

"I'm -- I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Everyone's worried."

"Are they?" I ask in a condescending tone.

"Yes, Steve. They are. Why're you acting like this?" He asks. Clearly annoyed with me right now. As he should be. I'm being a little bitch.

"It's none of your business." I mutter. Hoping he'll hear me through the door.

"Actually, it is my business. You didn't have to raise your voice at my friends, man."

"Yeah, well, thanks for taking their side. 'Man.'"

"What the fuck do you mean? There are no sides to be taken."

"Yet you're taking their side. How strange." I say sarcasticly.

"Can you just -- tell me what the fuck is going on in that brain of yours? No one's gonna understand if you don't talk about it." I hear him sit down on the other side of the door.

"That's just the thing, Eddie! I don't want to talk about it!"

"What don't you want to talk about, Harrington?" Eddie sighs.

"My parents . . . "

"Why? And don't get me wrong -- I'm not trying to push you. I'm just curious."

"Because. I don't know how to explain it. I just--I hate them. So much. And they've done so much shit -- and it just makes me uncomfortable . . . "

"Okay, I get it. Just, try not to raise your voice? The kids didn't like that. At all."

"I didn't mean too . . . "

"How about you go tell them that."

" . . . Okay." I get up and wipe my tears before opening the bathroom door. Where I'm met with Eddie, face to face. "I'm sorry . . . "

"Don't be, Harrington. Now go, apologize to the children -- " I nod and walk downstairs, Eddie following behind. I'm sure my eyes look red and puffy. But no one mentions it.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice at you." I apologize quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear me.

"It's okay!" El comes over and hugs me. I smile. Everyone nods in agreement. They all forgive me. Thank god.

"I can tell you a little bit about my parents. But I'm not gonna share everything. I'm just not comfortable sharing too much." I say before me and El part and sit in our separate spots.

"It's just-- a lot, okay? I'll start with the small stuff." Everyone nods. It's so silent that it's killing me inside. I can feel my stomach turning as I'm thinking of what to start with. "Well, I've been left by myself in my house since I was -- I don't know. 10? Maybe?"

"Why would they leave you alone at 10 years old?!" Nancy asks.

"I--I don't know . . . " I sigh. "Anyway. I haven't seen them in -- maybe a year. They haven't come home to celebrate holidays since I was 13. Because I was 'too old' to do any of those childish things. Not even--Not even my birthday. Which hurts. Because they don't even send a card, or call."

"What the fuck is wrong with them?! Max shouts. "That's not fair!"

"I know, Max. That's why I try my best to make sure you guys are loved." I smile. A couple tears escaping my eyes. "Okay, I'm not gonna talk about this anymore. It's making me uncomfortable." Everyone comes in for a group hug. It's weird that they care about me so much. It's unusual. No one's ever cared about me this much. That's one of the affects of having neglectful parents. Feeling like no one actually cares about you. Feels like--like everyone's leaving you for something 'better'.

But this . . . This is what love feels like.

I love these kids. And they love me.

That's what I've always wanted. Someone to love me.

But instead of getting someone. I got a group. An amazing group of people. That love me for who I am. And don't just care about popularity.

I've found my family. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Words: 1215
Hey guys! I'm currently in the angsty mood, I had some Steve angst inside my head for a while, but didn't know how to dish it out. So now I'm gonna go cry :'). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this!!! I'm hoping to get some musician AU shit in here, bc I'm obsessed with the idea that Steve plays guitar, and that he and Eddie would play together sometimes :D. Have a good rest the day everyone! Marry Christmas Eve Eve!!! :)]

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