Anger Issues

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TWs Abuse, Anger Issues(obvi), Homosexuals (:])

The one in which Billy has to deal with bad ADHD and Anger Issues.

Ship: Harringrove[Billy x Steve]

Summery: Billy has a hard time getting things right the first time, so he tries really hard not to mess up. One day he messed up. And it's bad.

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3rd Person POV:

Billy has a hard time getting things right the first time, so he tries really hard not to mess up. The only reason he's good at basketball is because it's something he focuses on more than anything, it's something he likes doing -- one of his passions. But sometimes when he fucks up, things get bad. He gets mad. Then his father gets mad. And then it ends in hell. He wishes he can escape.

Steve Harrington. Steve fucking Harrington is at his front door asking for Max. "Hey, Billy." He waves. "I'm here to pick up Max. She asked me to take her to the arcade with the boys." I nod and let him in.

"Max!" I call up the stairs for her.

"One minute!" We hear rustling come from upstairs, then she's running down with her skateboard in hand. "Hi, Steve!" She smiles. "I'm ready to go." She walks to the door, Steve following her.

Once the door's closed Billy heads up to his room. After a while he hears some commotion downstairs. Then his father calls for him. "Billy! Get down here now!" He yells. Billy gets off his bed and heads down the stairs to see his angry father. "Where's Maxine?" He barks.

"At the arcade with her friends. I told her to call me when she wants to come home, sir." Billy responds fast. Standing at the bottom of the stairs as Neil gets closer.

"Go get her. Now." Neil gets in Billy's face.

"Yes, sir." Billy nods. Now he's angry too. Billy doesn't typically like getting violent, but sometimes punching things gets his anger out. Along with many other things, but punching things is more efficient.

Billy hops into his car and plays his music loud. Zooming down the road. Once he's at the arcade he walks in looking for Max, he finds Steve first. "Where's Max?" He asks. Sounding obviously irritated.

"Playing games, why?"

"I have to take her home."

"We haven't even been here that long -- "

"Doesn't matter. I need to get her home now." Max walks up to them.

"What're you doing here?" She asks. Furrowing her eyebrows.

"Taking you home." I cross my arms over my chest.

"But we -- "

"I know. Let's go Max." Billy sighs.

"Okay . . . See ya later Steve." She waves as they leave the arcade.

"Sorry to cut your fun short, shitbird. Parents are home." He huffs, sitting down in the car. She nods in understanding as Billy starts the engine and they drive off.

Back home Neil was waiting for them. Susan was basically attached to him at the hip, so she was too. "I'm home!" Max says loud enough for them to hear as we walk back into the door.

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