Sea Shore

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quick a/n: I know y'all didn't ask for this one first, but it's the first one I got any ideas for. Deal with it :)

Warnings: SA, angst, gay people, but that one was obvious :)

Ship: Steddie[Steve x Eddie]

Pirate Eddie!AU, Prince Steve!AU


Steve's POV:


"Were at war with the King!" The captain yells. "So we're gonna steal what's important to him!" He shouts and everyone cheers. "Oh wait . . . We already have!" He laughs, and drags my up by my hair. I had my hands ties behind my back, I was blindfolded, and there was a cloth in my mouth to keep me from speaking.

"We have his son!" The captain laughs again, more psychotic this time. His crewmates are all cheering and clapping in victory. They're all fools. My father is probably happy I'm gone now. out of the way.

The captain drops me from his hold. I fall to the ground next to him. "Hmph!" I had tears in my eyes, not 'cause it hurt, but because I didn't have anything to do with this war. And now I'm in the middle of it.

After a while everyone dispersed to do their jobs. The captain picks me up off the ground again, this time so I'm on my feet. He removed the blindfold off my face. "Start walkin'." He orders. I roll my eyes at him, but he shoves me, causing me to start moving.

Eventually we make it to a room and the captain shoves me in, causing me to fall, and closes the door behind him. "You stay here, and maybe I'll let you eat, yeah?" He kneels down so we're face to face.

"Mm!" I try to speak, but the cloth is making it hard.

"Right, I forgot you can't speak. Such a shame." He smirks. "Poor little prince can't talk, how sad! Can't complain about how he's royalty, or that his father will have my head for  this!" He laughs. Again.

[I know, Eddie's kind of a bitch--- but don't worry, I swear he gets nicer-]

I look down at my lap. "Tsk. Fine. I'll let you talk again." He sighs and removed the cloth from my mouth. "Have something to say, 'youre highness'?" He scowls. 

"Only that you're an idiot." I can tell that statement angered him. "I'm not of any value to my father. He's probably grateful that you took me."

"Well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we." He spits as he speaks. "I already sent him a letter telling him we have you. It's only a matter of days before we get one back."

"Eddie! We need your help!" Someone yells from outside the door, catching the captains attention.

"Coming!" He shouts back. I guess now I know his name. "Someone will bring you food soon." He said before leaving and locking the door behind him. I hadn't taken in my surroundings until now. I seem to be in some sort of storage room. It has some pillows and blankets piled up, along with a bunch of barrels. I just hope someone notices I'm gone and saves me. I don't wanna be stuck here forever.

*   *   *

After what felt like forever of staring at the walls and floor, someone came into the room. They set a plate of food on the floor in front of me. "I suppose you need your hands to eat." She spoke. "I'll undo the ties, just give me a moment." She left the room, coming back soon after. "He said you could get your hands untied, as long as I sit with here with you so you don't escape." She says as she unties me and sits down in front of me after she's done. "I'm Robin."

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