Grave Stones

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Ship: Steddie[Steve x Eddie], Harringrove[Steve x Billy]



Today is July 4th, 1987. It's been a year or so since Vecna.

That was when Steve realized the world didn't want him to be happy.

It's been two years since Starcourt Mall. Sometimes Steve misses the mall, that's where he met Robin. His best friend. But that's not what's going through his mind right now.

Steve is walking up a tall hill. Eventually he's met with two grave stones.

William Hargrove
Mar. 29 1967 - Jul. 4 1985
Gone but not forgotten

Edward Munson
Jan. 26 1965 - Mar. 27 1986
It's finally my year

He sits in between them. "I miss you guys. So much." He says, tears in the corners of his eyes.

Billy and Eddie were both Steve's lovers at some point. Then they both came to a tragic death. Only a year apart from each other. It broke Steve. He's lost two of the people that mean the most to him.

No one knew about either relationship, even Robin. Robin knew about Eddie and Steve, but she didn't know about Billy.

Steve had two flowers with him, he placed one infront of Billy's grave and one infront of Eddie's. When these people who were so very important to Steve passed about he never forgave himself. He often blames himself for not being there or stepping in.

It's eaten him up inside. He had Billy's necklace and Eddie jean vest still. He's wearing both of them today. He wished things could've gone differently. He wished it could've been him instead of them.

He lay there under the warm summer sun. Looking up at the sky. Tears in his eyes.

All that could play in his head was memories with these two people he couldn't seem to get over.

He sat up again and got off the ground. It was starting to get darker out, and fast. He said goodbye to Eddie and Billy and walk away.

"I'll be thinking of you. Forever and always." Was the last thing he said before leaving, getting in his car, and driving off.



Words: 352

I hope you guys liked this first story- I have another one in drafts that I actually started before this one, but I wanted to start off with some angsty shit, bc I'm nice like that :). Sorry it isn't much- anyway, I hope you're all having a wonderful day/night!!!

- Eddie <3

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