Chapter 1

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Remus was left sipping his tea, unmoved from his previous position. He looked at Regulus' pale body with a blank stare.

He felt oddly calm before waking up with a jolt. What had happened? He was back at Hogwarts, in the Gryffindor dorms and his heart was racing.

"Oh my God, I just died!" Sirius shouted from his bed across the dorm.

"You too?" James exclaimed. "Well, I didn’t officially die but I was really close to it!"

"Well I actually died, some jackass threw an axe at me!" He yelled dramatically.

"Now that I think about it, you died in my dream too!" James exclaimed.

"I had to watch myself die!" He yelled.

"I had to watch you die, and then Peter died… oh," He paused, turning his head to look at their fourth roommate.

Peter sat up in his bed, he looked to be sweating a little.
"I had a dream where…" He stopped once all the attention was on him.

"I had a dream where I had the most amazing cup of tea," Remus chimed in.

"Back to me, I watched myself slowly die! I had blood in my hair, my beautiful hair was ruined, that would take ages to wash out!" Sirius cried.

"I was stabbed in my dream," James remembered, "I was stabbed by… Wormtail," His eyes widened as the scene from his dream came back to him clear as ever.

Sirius threw off his covers, standing up. "Wormtail? He wasn't even in my dream, it was just us, Moony, Regulus, my… parents, and… aunt and uncle… Barty and his dad… Kreatcher too, I think…"

"Weird, your family was in my dream too, they all died," James said bluntly.

"What a great dream," Sirius yawned, stretching.

"Right… we should head down for breakfast," Remus said, making his bed.

"Urgh, I feel like I've been awake for a whole week, can't we go back to bed?" James complained.

"No, we're leaving for yule break in just a few hours, you can sleep once we get to your place," Remus responded. The squad decided that they'd stay at the Potter manor for yule break, they'd tried to get Regulus to agree to go with them but he denied the offer as he was expected to be home for yule. He had to attend the annual dinner with the Crouch family.

James gave Remus a blank stare, "That's today?"

"Yes, now get up," Sirius was just stepping out of the washroom with his freshly styled hair and fresh clothes on when Remus had finally gotten James up.

"You'd think you were the one to die, not me," Sirius scoffed.

"You didn't die!" James shouted.

"Are you sure? It was very realistic,"

"I had a very realistic cup of tea, you don't see me talking your ear off about it," Remus spoke, sliding his wand into his pocket.

"Are you really comparing your 'really good' cup of tea to my death?" Sirius looked insulted.

"I didn't even catch the name of the tea, all I know is that I got it from your manor," Remus defended himself.

"You too? What's with the nightmares taking place at Black manor? Don't tell me you had one too, Petes," said Sirius.

"Oh, umm no. No dreams that I can remember," Peter squeaked.

The four friends walked down to the great hall for breakfast where they saw Regulus who was dragging Barty behind him.

"Regs! I died!" Sirius yelled across the hall.

"Congrats!" He yelled back, approaching the group, leaving Barty behind at the Slytherin table. He had to drag him there or else he would have stayed in bed all day, he was trying to ditch Regulus for the holidays and stay at Hogwarts instead. Regulus would gladly do the same but he didn't feel like getting targeted by howlers all break sent by his angry mother.

To be honest, he didn't want to go home for yule break even more after the night's sleep he had the previous night.

"Reg, you still have a chance to come to the Potters for yule with us, what do you say? It'll be just like your first year," Sirius offered hopefully.

Regulus looked at his brother before replying with a shrug, "Sure," He agreed.

"Wait, really?" Sirius exclaimed.

"Great, he has all week to recount to you how he died," Remus piped in.

"No thanks, he's died enough times in one night," Regulus mumbled.

"Obviously, I died in my dream and James' dream!" He shouted, catching the attention of those around him.

"Someone threw an axe at you," Regulus muttered dryly.

"I kno- How did you know that? It was my dream!" Sirius questioned.

"Well it was also my dream," Regulus replied.

"So you, James and I dreamt of me dying while Remus dreamt of a cup of tea?" Sirius furrowed his brows.

"Of a cup of… tea?" Regulus repeated, remembering how he had died that previous night.

Remus stayed silent for a moment before having a realization. "You know, I was thinking, maybe we should hold off on the banner," Remus spoke quietly.

"Hm?" James questioned, confused, before remembering the banner they'd made.
"Right, no yeah, definitely," James nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, it might send mixed signals," Sirius agreed.

"Please do," Regulus pitched in, even though he wasn't told about the banner. He shouldn't know of any banner, the banner was made late the night before in the sixth year Gryffindor boy's dorm, at the time, he was fast asleep in a dreamless sleep, although that didn't last long.

"How did you know of the banner?" Sirius questioned.

"What? Oh, I didn't," He paused. They had to have been talking about a different banner, definitely not the one from his nightmare. "It's just, if you lot made it, it's probably related to some stupid prank," He played it off.

"It was going to be a large banner that declared the start of 'prank week'," James explained.

"Only problem is that James can't spell and wrote 'sincerely the murderers', instead of 'marauders'," Remus added.

"Well it wasn't my idea to add the foot prints in red ink to the banner, it looks like a crime scene happened!" James defended himself.

"Well I'm sorry, I thought it would make it look better," Sirius interrupted.

"When did we make a banner?" Peter questioned.

"Last night, you were already fast asleep, or else we would have gotten you to help," Remus answered.

"Oh," Peter sighed in response.

"It was around midnight so we were going to get you to do your part in the morning," James added.

"Right," Peter gave a fake smile.

"Anyway, since Regulus is staying the holiday, we have enough people to do a two versus two quidditch match!" James said excitedly. Remus had made it very clear that although he'd be happy to watch them from the ground, he wouldn't be joining them in the air.

"Yeah, no. I'll be staying indoors where I won't get frostbite and die, thank you very much," He scoffed.

Some things never change, like Regulus' hate for the cold or the Marauders habit of leaving Peter out of their conversations.

A/N: Thank you for reading the first chapter of the Reggo My Eggo Sequel!

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