Chapter 19

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Regulus ended up taking Barty up on the offer and they played wizarding chess for the next hour in their dorm, even though they could have gone out into the common room and no one else would be around to bother them.

It was around two in the afternoon on Christmas day that a loud 'crack' sound was heard all throughout the Slytherin common room and dorms as the glass windows began to crack.

The chess game of the two fifth-year Slytherins was quickly interrupted as water began to leak through their windows looking out into the black lake.

"What the fuck?" Barty shrieked.

"Holy-" Regulus had to stop himself from continuing. Instead, he stood from where he had previously sat and started to back away from the windows as far as he could.

"Reparo!" Barty shouted at the window, with the proper wave of his wand, of course.

"Who the fuck builds underneath a bloody lake," Regulus shouted in annoyance, this was not how he had wanted to learn to swim.

"REPARO!" Barty screamed once again at the window, flicking his wand as hard as he could, but that didn't change anything.

"It's no use Barty, I'd rather get above ground level before we drown," Regulus yelled over the loud sound of running water, as the dirty water from the black lake reached just above his ankles. The amount of water getting in was only increasing as more cracks began to form.

Barty wasted no time in evacuating as another loud crack filled the air, sending more water running in.

Getting out of their dorm, they practically flew down the stairs to the common room, finding even more water. The one wall in the common room was just one huge window, said window was filled with cracks, the water was above their knees, almost at their waists.

Regulus flung the portrait leading out of the Slytherin common room open, practically breaking it in the process, he was also letting more water in in the process.

There was so much water that it was slowing them down, they couldn't run properly, they could barely take a proper step as the water pressure was pushing them all over the place.

Even though Barty knew how to swim, wasn't a strong enough swimmer to face the current, he too would drown in the process.

By the time the water level reached their shoulders, they were only halfway between the common room and the nearest staircase. The Slytherin common room was found deep within the dungeons, making it difficult to find. Very few students from other houses knew where the common room was located.

At some point between leaving their dorms and reaching the halfway point to the stairs, Barty had lost his wand, it had been washed away with the current and Regulus had lost his wand back at the Potter manor. Their only chance at survival was to cast a bubble head charm, which neither of them was able to do without the use of a wand.

The current was too strong and as the water raised above their shoulders, it began pulling them back with it, and they couldn't do anything to stop it as their feet were pulled from right underneath them, their heads bobbing underneath the water.

Both boys were panicking as they couldn't stay above water long enough to get a proper breath. They were being pulled further away from the staircase.

The dungeons did have a drainage system to prevent floods and such from happening, but it must have been too much water at a too fast pace for it to handle, not forgetting the fact that the lake water was far from clean, algae and seaweed was now sticking to the walls and floating down the halls, Regulus was sure that he had seen a fish, although he couldn't be sure, he could barely see as the water splashed in his face.

Regulus was pulled back underneath the water, he was certain that even if he weren't being pulled in several different directions by the strong current, he wouldn't have been able to properly stand and still be able to breathe. The water was just about to the ceiling at their point.

If Regulus didn't get another breath of air soon, he was going to pass out, he could feel a lot of pressure on his head and his lungs aching, practically begging for him to take a gulp of air.

Barty was in the same predicament. He and Regulus had been completely split up. He kept on being thrown into walls and pushed through the halls and whenever he could manage a glimpse of his surroundings, he couldn't see anyone else in sight, unless, of course, they were completely submerged in the water.

As Barty's head bobbed above the water, he used it as a chance to call out for his friend, "REGULUS!" He screamed as loud as he could, but it ended up completely muffled by all the noise around him.

Finally, as Regulus' head felt like it was about to explode, he complied and attempted to take a deep breath, only he was completely submerged in the freezing cold water. He probably had hypothermia, but that didn't matter, he wouldn't have to deal with the consequences later anyway.

Somehow, he was in even more pain. As he let himself take that final breath, water rushed into his lungs and went up his nose. His body was aching and that was the last thing that happened before his body slammed into the brick wall as the water pushed him around a corner. His body went limp and he stopped struggling.

The pain was gone from his body and so was the life.

Barty died the same way. He eventually had to give up struggling and he let the water carry him, and let the water completely swallow him whole.

They weren't the only ones to die that day in the dungeons. Professor. Slughorn was in his office when it happened, he first cast a bubble head charm, but after being slammed into one too many brick walls, the bubble around his head popped and without warning, water slammed into his head, making him swallow too much water, and choke, being completely helpless and drowning.

The rest of Hogwarts got out of the school safely, although James Potter did attempt to run back into the school to find both Remus and Regulus, he seemed to not have been informed of the murder of his werewolf friend, leaving it up to his head of house to break it to him at the same time as he was searching the mass of students and teachers to find Regulus.

Even though there were very few students who stayed over break, most professors either stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays or had returned for the Christmas feast, so there were just about as many teachers as there were students.

James could feel his whole body aching as he tumbled to the ground. He felt as if he'd just been thrown off his broom from fifty feet up in the air. His parents and friends were all dead. It felt like one huge nightmare, that's all it was, right? Just another nightmare, just like the last one that took place at the Black manor, it was all fake.

No one knew what or who cause the flood, nor did they ever find out who was behind the murders, it turns out that by going on a murder spree using muggle method, they cannot trace anything back to you.

A/n: Another one finished.

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