Chapter 18

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Upon returning back to Hogwarts, Remus went to the top of the astronomy tower to be alone. The astronomy tower was a great place to think, it was always his key spot to go if he wanted to be alone, that, and the library because it was always quiet, thanks to Madam Pince.

Remus sat there for about an hour, watching the snowfall. The downside of his choice of location was that it was cold, being completely open to the outdoors, luckily he managed to go back to his dorm where he had left a sweatshirt.

A pair of footsteps began climbing up the stairs leading to the astronomy tower, much to Remus' dismay. Even with only roughly twenty students staying over the holidays, his peers still found a way to be everywhere.

The footsteps soon stopped as one of his professors walked through the door.

"Oh, Professor Howel," Remus greeted, standing up. He had been expecting one of the other students.

"Mr. Lupin," he acknowledged. "I hadn't realized you'd stayed for the holidays,"

"Oh, I haven't been exactly, I only arrived back last night," He shrugged. He didn't really want to talk to the man at that moment.

"I guess I did the same," He remarked. "I spent a few days with my family and then returned for the feast tonight," That must have been why they'd seen him at the leaky cauldron the morning before, although odd if he were visiting family.

Remus gave a polite smile to show he was listening.

"You don't mind if I stay up here, do you?" The professor asked.

"Oh, um, no, not at all, I was just planning on leaving, it's a bit chilly up here," Remus politely excused himself, beginning to walk back inside and down the stairs. He was more focused on his walking that he hadn't heard the soft footsteps from behind him, he hadn't sensed someone following him.

The last thing he remembered was being hit on the back of his head with something hard and beginning to tumble down the stairs before his vision went black.


In the kitchen, Regulus poured himself another cup of black coffee.

"You shouldn't drink so much coffee, it stumps your growth," James pointed out.

Regulus shot him a glare, "That's a myth,"

"If it's a myth then my life's a lie," James refused to believe what the other was saying was true.

"There is no scientific evidence to even suggest that coffee can stunt a person's growth, which makes it a myth," Regulus claimed.

"So you're telling me, my life is a lie?" James exclaimed.

"Yes," The other responded.

"That's terrific," James said somberly. "Have you eaten today?" He questioned.

"Does coffee count?" Regulus asked, taking a gulp of his bitter coffee.

"Absolutely not, there's got to be something edible in this kitchen," James spoke, looking around. The kitchen was filled with working house elves who were preparing food but nothing was already made except food for the feast, which wasn't what either of them wanted.

"Potter, stop wandering around, you're getting in their way," Regulus scolded.

"Well, we need food," James said defensively.

"What can Toopy make you?" Asked a house elf.

"Oh, that's alright, Toopy. I'm sure we can figure something out on our own, we wouldn't want to distract you from what you were doing," Regulus politely declined the offer.

"You're not disrupting Toopy at all, I can make you whatever you want," The elf kindly replied.

"Great, now she feels as if she has to, Potter," Regulus muttered under his breath.

"She's offering!" James whispered back.

Regulus groaned at the Gryffindor boy. "Well, if you wouldn't mind making us some waffles, we'd appreciate that," Regulus spoke softly, knowing that if he brushed her away she'd only punish herself.

"Oh my God, you mean all this time all I had to do was get you a house elf and you'd be nice?" James gushed at the Slytherin.

"It's the humane thing to do," Regulus countered.

"Right, but treating people like shit is humane?" James questioned, trying to understand the boy's logic.

"Yes, people are shitty, they don't deserve to be treated with respect, house elves on the other hand have faced years of being treated like shit by people," Regulus said, crossing his arms.

James stood there looking aghast. "I never knew you thought so highly on this topic."

"Well now you do, move on," He said, rolling his eyes.

There was an awkward silence until Toopy returned with two plates of waffles dressed with maple syrup and berries.

"Thank you Toopy," Regulus thanked, grabbing his plate from the elf.

"Thanks," James mumbled, grabbing his plate.

The waffles were phenomenal, much better than the ones Regulus recalled from his dream, these ones weren't salty.

"And this is why waffles will forever be better than pancakes," James said, moaning with delight.

"Finally, something you've said right," Regulus attempted to compliment, it was probably the closest thing to a compliment he was ever going to get from the Slytherin.

Time passed and eventually, the dead body of Remus Lupin was found by a third-year Ravenclaw student who was on their way to the astronomy tower. It was already a couple of hours after the murder that the body was found, so there was absolutely nothing Madam Pomfrey could do to help the werewolf.

Teachers were called into a meeting, to discuss the student's safety. Only professors Dumbledore, McGonagall and Slughorn had been made aware of the events that took place involving the Potters, Sirius, Remus and Regulus, although he was yet to be proof, they could only assume that the murders are all related and whoever was after them before followed them into the school, putting them all at risk.

The teachers now had to figure out what to do. There was still no sign of James nor Regulus, they'd been missing somewhere throughout the castle ever since returning from St. Mungos that morning, meaning anything could have happened to them since then.


James and Regulus finished their waffles and wandered out of the kitchen, finally, heading back to their common rooms, going their separate ways.

Regulus returned to the Slytherin common room to find it empty. In his dorm room, Barty was still laying in his bed and was reading a letter.

"Regulus, what have you been up to? Want to play chess or something? I'm bored," Barty commented, sitting up from his bed and placing his letter from his parents on his bedside table.

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