Chapter 17

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Professor McGonagall took the three boys back to Hogwarts, flooing right into her office; they could return back to St. Mungos the next day.

"You boys never cease to speed up my aging," The professor stated sadly.

"We didn't mean to this time, I promise, Minnie," James mustered a slight grin,

"Why don't you boys head on back to your dormitories, I'm sure it's been a long week," She said, sincerely.

The boys stayed quiet, giving a nod of acknowledgement before heading on their way. The group walked together until they reached the staircase which Regulus had to take down to the Slytherin common room, James and Remus continued their way up the stairs from there.

The common rooms were quiet. Remus and James managed to walk back to their dorms without running into any other Gryffindor, although it could have been just because it was late.

Most Slytherins had gone home for Yule, most of them having family dinners to get to. Barty was one of the very few who had stayed at school for yule, so Regulus wasn't all alone in his dorm.

When Regulus walked into his dorm, he was greeted by his startled friend.

"Regulus?" He questioned into the dark room. He had been using his wand as light as he was laying in bed.

"Barty, I forgot you were here," Regulus attempted to make conversation.

"Am I that forgettable? What are you doing back, didn't you go to Potters or something?" Barty questioned.

"Oh, yeah, he's back too, and so is Remus," Regulus told the other, stepping further into the room, and going to sit on his bed.

"And your brother?" He added in a question-like tone.

"What? What about him?" Regulus asked rushed.

"You said that Potter and Lupin were back, I'd assume you didn't just leave your brother behind," Although it was dark, Regulus could see Barty giving him an odd look.

"Oh, right. No, he's fine,"

"Okay..." Barty took note of his friend's odd behaviour and went back to what he was doing before he had been interrupted.

After that, Regulus closed the curtains around his bed and layed there, staring at the ceiling until he eventually fell into a slumber.

Overnight, Sirius' condition worsened, it seemed that he was still internally bleeding throughout the night without the doctor's knowledge. They only caught it as his heart rate started to flutter around four in the morning, but by then, it was far too late to do anything. His body would reject any potion they tried to give him and no spell could magically fix his condition.

That morning, Christmas morning, Remus, James and Regulus awoke to their head of house waking them up. Professor Slughorn went to get Regulus, under Professor McGonagall's request while she went to get her students.

The boys were brought back to St Mungo's to where they were finally allowed to see Sirius for the first time since he was shot, and for the last time.

Sirius passed away while still in a coma, he had been under so many pain relievers that he wouldn't have felt any pain since arriving at the hospital, which was comforting for his friend, boyfriend and brother.

While the teens said goodbye to Sirius, their transfiguration professor stood outside the door, giving them space, letting a tear of her own slip.

After a few hours, they were led back to Hogwarts. By the time they arrived back, it was ten in the morning, and most people would be up and about, enjoying their Christmas. Professor McGonagall offered them to stay in her office if they pleased, maybe stay for a cup of tea and talk, but none of them took her up on her offer, instead, they went their separate ways.

Regulus, not looking back, walked away from the other two, heading straight to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, house elves were slaving away at making a Christmas feast for those who stayed over yule break. Every year, Hogwarts would be decorated from top to bottom and have the most impressive feast to feed to the students who didn't get to spend the holiday with their families.

Upon hearing Regulus enter, the house elves stopped what they were doing and were quick to ask him how they could help him, to which he denied their help.

"I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, but if one of you could point me towards the coffee, that would be very much appreciated," He tried his best to sound polite, most house elves have never experienced kindness, which Regulus hated, if you want to mistreat people, he could understand that people were obnoxious, but the house elves haven't done anything wrong, it's the people who've wronged them, they deserve better.

Regulus was no stranger to the kitchen, he went there quite often to fix himself up his own meal, he found it ridiculous how they expected a bunch of house elves to cook and clean for the whole school, Hogwarts could be paying witches and wizards to be doing that work, but then again, Hogwarts was probably too cheap for that.

Regulus sat on a stool sipping his second cup of coffee when the portrait to the kitchen opened, catching the house elves' attention. The person stepped in with caution as all the attention was on him.

"Regulus!" James exhaled, catching sight of the younger boy.

"You're not supposed to be in the kitchen," Regulus pointed out, and it was true, students weren't allowed in the kitchen, the house elves made the food and then delivered it to the great hall.

"Nor are you," James defended.

"Which is why I'm here in the first place, usually, people follow the rules and don't bother me," He said, taking a large gulp of hot, black coffee. He wondered if his parents somehow knew of Sirius's death, maybe they were at home laughing about it as they got ready for their Christmas dinner with Regulus' aunt, uncle and cousins.

Regulus was too in thought that he missed whatever James had just said.

"What?" He questioned, blinking.

James sighed upon realizing that he was being ignored, "never mind," he dismissed.

Regulus hummed in response, staring into his almost empty cup of coffee.

The kitchen was quite a peaceful place, for Regulus at least. It reminded him of the house elves at home. He'd be lying if he were to say that his parents had never killed a house elf, it was a common occurrence. Whenever Walburga felt as if the cooking was slightly off or they missed a spot while cleaning, she'd hit the elf with the cruciatus curse, killing them.

Over years, his parents stopped being able to find house elves and Kreacher ended up being the last one left, it's the only reason they hadn't killed him already. Regulus ended up growing fond of Kreacher, and even if Kreacher didn't show it, the feeling was mutual. Regulus wished he could go back just to free the elf, he did serve the entire family after all.

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