Chapter 6

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Wednesday morning's breakfast was bacon, eggs and fruit. They sat at the long dining room table with three heavy, brass candlesticks on it and discussed their day's plans. They'd decided on heading out to Diagon Alley for the day to do last-minute Christmas shopping. The teens, having been at school, hadn't gotten a chance to do their Christmas shopping for each other and planned to do so behind each other's backs while in town that day.

Euphemia sent the teenagers to go get ready to head out once they finished their breakfast. Fleamont decided to stay home and finished up a few things he had put off doing for work, it's not like he got a vacation just because it was the holidays, even as the creator of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion.

Sirius went back to his room to grab his leather jacket, which would not protect him from the cold whatsoever, so he layered it with a thick sweatshirt that he stole from Remus underneath.

Remus went back to his room to look for his favourite sweatshirt, which he failed to find. It had gone missing and it was driving him crazy, it just vanished out of nowhere.

Peter Brushed his teeth before he grabbed his winter jacket, and headed downstairs to wait for the others.

James took his time and spent a good five minutes laying on his back in his bed, not having the energy to move. He eventually did, and when he did, he changed into proper clothes to leave the house in and finally went downstairs.

Regulus was already dressed from that morning so he brushed his teeth and met the others downstairs.

The group set out and went on their own ways through Diagon Alley. Euphemia left the teenagers to do as they pleased as she went and did her own shopping.

They had decided that although they'd arrive together, the teens would leave all together once they were ready, as long as it was before five pm, Euphemia would be arriving back home once she was done shopping. Euphemia went to a small store where they rebranded locally sourced and crafted items

"Goodmorning Euphemia, doing any last-minute Christmas shopping?" The owner of the shop asked, who Euphemia had stopped to get to know on one of her many stop-ins at the shop.

"I suppose I am, I'm here with my son and his friends, they needed to get a start on their Christmas shopping before Christmas is over," Euphemia stated.

They continued into a small conversation, asking about each other's holiday plans before Euphemia carried on her shopping.

The five teens decided to stick together at first, going to a few shops where they could equally find things to buy before they chose to separate and meet back at the small cafe next to the bookstore, called 'The Coffee Joint'. The cafe was known through Diagon Alley for its latte foam arts.

Everyone tried their best to find sentimental Christmas gifts for each of their friends, as well as something for Euphemia and Fleamont, who were harder to shop for, even for James. Although they'd both adore and be very grateful for anything they were to receive, they'd like to thank them for their stay and their generosity.

They all wanted to get them something more than just a candle that they'd never use because they already have several more unused in a closet somewhere. Sirius especially wanted to get them something as he'd spent all holidays at their house for the past six years and had more than overstayed, they acted as parents for him, giving him a loving family that he never thought he'd get.

At one they met back at the cafe. Remus and Peter were the first two there and sat for about five minutes talking about random things before Regulus arrived, soon followed by James, and then Sirius, who was the last to arrive at one fifteen, fifteen minutes past their dedicated meeting time.

"Are we going to order something?" Asked James.

"Might as well," Remus shrugged, the others agreed too, they might as well if they were going to take up a table anyway.

Regulus ordered a plain black coffee, Remus ordered coffee with cream, Sirius had the same, not being able to decide on an exact order, while James had a vanilla latte and Peter had a tea.

They each also ordered food to go with it and went to wait for their coffee to be made.

After sitting around the cafe for an hour, they settled on flooing back to the Potters.

"We're home!" James shouted into the quiet house, not receiving a response. "Hellooo?" After another moment of silence, the friend chose to go upstairs for the next while. It was only half past two so they still had part of their day ahead of them.

"What should we do now?" Asked Peter. They were sitting in silence as they thought of something to do.

"Ooh, Can we watch a muggle film?" Asked James, eagerly.

"If you want, I can grab my laptop," Remus offered.

"Your what?" Regulus asked confused, Sirius also looked just as confused. James was somewhat familiar with the device as Remus showed him two movies on it before.

"It's an electronic device that manipulates data," Remus explained in simple terms but it didn't clear up anything for the Black brothers, judging by their blank stairs.

Remus went to grab his laptop and opened up a few movies that he had saved on the device. After spending almost an hour trying to explain the concept of movies and computers, they landed on a movie to watch.

Regulus thought that the title of the movie was ironic, 'The Nightmare Before Christmas', and he wasn't the only one who thought this.

Halfway through the movie, Euphemia arrived back home, announcing her presence at her arrival. Assuming that she was going to head up to James' room to check if they had yet to arrive back, they stayed silent and let the movie continue on until there was a heart-wrenching scream from downstairs making the teens jump up from where they were sitting.

"Mom?!" James yelled as they hurriedly pushed their way downstairs, finding Euphemia kneeling in the doorway of the dining room.

"Mom? Mom, what happened?" James asked, worried as he approached the woman. Sirius, Regulus, Remus and Peter were trailing directly behind the ravenette, nearly running into him as he suddenly stopped in his place, falling to his knees next to his mother.

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