Chapter 11

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James and Regulus left Remus' room, heading back to the top of the stairs. Sirius was nowhere in sight so instead, Regulus yelled, "Sirius, Potter's with me!" but he didn't get a response.

 Deciding to check the library before going on a manhunt for Sirius, they turned around and walked back in the opposite direction. The one problem with living in a huge manor is that you need some sort of communication device, normally, they'd use their wands but they were underage, although they may be able to get away with it in the magical household, Regulus and James also didn't have their wands on them, they probably should have gone back for them.

The library was empty. Great. Either Peter had been murdered or he wandered off on his own.

"Maybe he's back downstairs with Padfoot," James then proceeded to suggest going to look for him as well.

"Absolutely not, we're waiting here," Regulus replied. He was not going to go running around the house while there was a murderer loose when they'd probably just end up missing each other by going down different hallways.

"But what if they're looking for us?" James questioned.

"Then they'll come back and find us, obviously."

"Fine." They sat in silence for a few minutes before James spoke up. "So, Reggo," He began, earning the other's attention. "Remember a few weeks ago when we were fighting and-"

"You know what, you wait here for the others to return, I'll go find them," Regulus interrupted, standing up from the couch.

"What? Regulus, wait!" James jumped up before Regulus could leave.

"You know what you said, I know what you said, it's been weeks, stop trying to ignore it!"

"You're delusional and obsessed with yourself, stop assuming that everyone is in love with you, you're barely even tolerable!" Regulus exclaimed.

"But you admit it, I'm tolerable," James pointed out, grinning.

"Not at the moment," he scoffed in response.

"But other times? Ha, you soo like me," James said cockily.

"Remember an hour ago when you were all sad and quiet from your parents dying?" Regulus sassed, sending a glare over to the Gryffindor boy.

Regulus would be lying if he were to say that he didn't instantly regret what he had said to the other boy. He watched as James' grin immediately fell, his face going pale. Regulus could see the hurt in his eyes from his statement. He may have gone too far.

James didn't know what to say after that. He was trying to keep his mind occupied so it didn't think of things he'd rather not think about. He could feel tears in his eyes, but he wiped them away and tried his best to push away all emotions. He wished he could be as emotionless as Regulus, but he couldn't.

"I-" Regulus began to speak before he stopped himself, he'd only end up saying something else stupid.

He debated whether or not admitting his feelings right there and then would be a good idea, maybe it would distract him from what he just said, that way James could be more focused on rejecting him than feeling like shit all because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

He'd probably regret it later...

"I... I like you," He admitted, rolling his eyes in the process.

"I believe just the other week you said that you were 'in love with me,' now you only like me?" James teased the other. He was still mad at the Slytherin, but he looked guilty.

"Trust me, my like for you is only going down," Regulus scoffed.

"Careful Reggie, your true colours are coming out," James taunted.

"Well then, I guess it's time for yours to show," Regulus replied with a blank stare.

"What?" James looked confused as Regulus took a small step back.

Regulus rolled his eyes at the older boy. "Reject me, tell me you'd never be interested in someone like me, tell me you're straight and into Evans, say that I treat you like shit and you only tolerate me for Sirius' sake," Regulus could write a whole list, now that he was thinking about it, he is quite unbearable.

Regulus sighed, "Now, do you need help coming up with any more ideas or can you take it from here?"

"No, I think I've got it," James said with an unreadable expression.

"Firstly, I've moved on from Evans," He corrected, "second, you are quite insufferable most of the time, but then again, so am I, so..." He paused and rubbed the back of his neck. "Thirdly, I'm Bi, not to mention the fact that I've tried flirting with you on multiple occasions and you've just ignored my attempts," He further stated, slyly.

"You've what?" Regulus looked at the other boy in shock, how had he missed that?

"Not to mention the nicknames," he added, "and to think, I'm the so-called 'oblivious one?" He spoke in a questioning tone.

Regulus stood there shocked, he felt the need to sit down, James Potter has been flirting with him?

"Don't tell me you forgot about our first date," James grinned.

"What date?" Regulus practically shouted.

"You know, to Hogsmeade? Before the gala? Sirius and Remus went on a date and then I asked you to Hogsmeade, I don't know about you, but I meant it as a date whether you took it as one or not," He proudly shrugged.

Regulus was aghast. "Wait, how long have you liked me for?"

"Wow, who said I liked you? I sure didn't, don't get too eager," James may have started to let his confidence get to his head, but it was fun toying with the Slytherin, he deserved it, and James was not going to live this moment down, he had the upper power.

He may have been pushing it a bit too much for Regulus' liking.

"Alright, 'gulus, relax," James waved his arms around dramatically.

Regulus looked disgusted, "Don't ever call me that again," he said, shaking his head in disgust.

"Well then pick one of my many used nicknames for you that you do enjoy because you complain either way," Said James.

"I have a name, you could use that," He suggested.

"Ew, you want me calling you the same thing your brother calls you?" James jokingly faked a look of disgust, and Regulus did nothing but stare at the other in annoyance in response.

"We've been waiting here for like an hour, are you sure they'll meet us back here?" James questioned, getting distracted, looking around the room just in case they'd missed them coming in while in deep discussion. It would have been awkward if they had, especially if Sirius had entered, he's sure he would have been chased all around the room by a raging dog if he had.

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