Chapter 3

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The train eventually pulled into Kings Cross station. James ended up finishing the train ride in Lily's compartment, leaving Regulus and Peter to make conversation as Sirius and Remus whispered back and forth on their own.

James found his way back to his compartment before grabbing his bag and exiting the train with his friends. They spotted Fleamont and Euphemia Potter waiting by the floo systems.

"Awe, Remus, Sirius, Regulus, Peter, it's been too long, how have you all been?" Euphemia gushed.

The four greeted the woman kindly as James was pushed to the back of the group.

"Tis I, you're actual son," He announced.

"Don't be so rude James, we were owling back and forth just last night, I haven't seen your friends in a minimum of a year, I haven't seen Regulus since he was in his first year," She paused to look at Regulus, "What year are you in now, dear?"

"Fifth," He answered back.

"Ah, you've got your OWLs this year? Now don't get lazy right as you're nearing the end of the year, I did so when I was your age and regretted it immensely," Fleamont advised.

"I don't plan on it," Regulus replied.

"Oh! You should get a tutor, James could help you, it'll keep him out of trouble," Euphemia insisted.

Regulus grimaced, "I really don't think that will be necessary."

"If he needed someone to help him study, Prongs isn't really the person to go to," Sirius added.

"Okay, stop talking about me as if I'm not here," James interrupted.

"No one's doing such a thing, now let's hurry up and floo home so I can prepare dinner," Euphemia stated, turning to lead the rest to a floo system.

The group flooed to Potter manor, one by one, stepping out of the fireplace into the entry hall. They've all stayed at the Potters at one point in time, so there was no need to be shown around, instead they all dragged their belongings up the stairs and into their established rooms.

Sirius had his designated room that he'd been staying in since yule break in his first year when he was far too scared to even dare return home after being sorted into Gryffindor and Fleamont and Euphemia welcomed him in with open arms.

Regulus found that he was also staying in an oh-so-familiar room that had a window seat where you could sit and look out to the snow-covered yard. He remembered sitting there for hours when he had stayed for his first Christmas.

He spent a couple of minutes unpacking some of his belongings before there was a knock on the door.

"Regulus, Euphemia's making some tea, she wanted to know if you'd like a cup?" Sirius informed his brother, opening the door a crack.

He thought for a moment before responding, "No thanks." Tea no longer sounded quite as good as he remembered it being, not after that terrible nightmare. It was all too realistic, maybe he really was dead and this was all fake.

"Alright. The others and I are just sitting downstairs if you were looking to join us anytime soon," Sirius said, shutting the door, and leaving Regulus to the emptiness of his room.

He waited a few minutes alone in his room before following the hallway to the stairs and descending them, walking to the sitting room where he found James, Peter, Remus and Sirius all sitting. James, Peter and Sirius were all drinking cups of tea while Remus sat there empty-handed, odd. He loved a good cup of tea.

"Regulus!" Sirius exclaimed, "I was starting to think you were going to ignore us all week."

Regulus rolled his eyes, "We've not even been here for an hour yet," He pointed out.

"So you're not going to ignore us?" Sirius questioned, looking for confirmation.

"No, just means I still have time to ignore you," He corrected.


They continued to all chatter until dinner was ready, by then, Peter, Sirius and James had all finished their cups of tea.

"Who's sitting where?" Peter questioned as they stood around the table.

"Dibs sitting next to Moony!" Sirius shouted, pulling Remus down into a seat next to him.

"Right, I guess we're sitting over here," James spoke, motioning at the opposite side of the table where three empty chairs sat.

Throughout dinner, Regulus ended up being stuck sitting in between both James and Peter and sitting across from his brother and brother's boyfriend.

Somehow, their dinner conversation ended up steering in the direction of relationships, probably because Sirius had been hanging off of Remus all evening.

"Regulus, Peter, have any of you gotten a partner yet? I know James sure hasn't," She commented.

"That was backhanded," James grumbled.

"Well, you're not getting any younger," She chimed.

"Why is it attack James day?" He mumbled under his breath.

"Oh please, just wait till I bring out the baby pictures,"

"I want to see baby James!" Sirius exclaimed.

"No, you do not!" He countered.

"Oh come on, I bet you were a cute baby," Sirius insisted.

"Oh don't worry James, you destroyed them all when you were eight anyways," Fleamont sighed.

"How did he manage that?" Asked Peter.

"Well you see, he didn't have the best control over his magic yet and so one day, while he was helping me clean the attic, he sneezed from the dust and blew up half of the attic!" Fleamont exclaimed.

"We managed to salvage the majority of our things but his baby pictures were one of the few things that we couldn't get back," Euphemia finished.

"Awe, I want to see little Jamesy," Sirius pouted.

"It really is a shame," Euphemia agreed.

Dinner ended soon after that and Euphemia brought out the dessert before the teenagers left the dinner table and found their way back upstairs into James' room where they hung out until midnight.

"Hey Regs," Sirius spoke in a soft tone as they were about to walk into their separate rooms.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Did you mention not going home to Mother and Father?" He questioned.

Regulus went wide-eyed. He knew he was forgetting something.

"Um, no. I did not," He grimaced.

"Right" He paused, "Well have fun dealing with them, see you in the morning," Sirius said, turning to walk into his room.

"Wh- Now I'm never going to get to sleep, thank you for that," He said the last part sarcastically.

"Oops, Sorry baby brother," He said cheekily before closing his door behind him.

"Fuck," Regulus mumbled to himself as he stepped into his room, closing the door.

That night, the five teens struggled to sleep. Sirius thought about him dying, and Remus thought about his killing people - which he tried to convince himself that was just signifying his fear of injuring his friends during the full moon, and nothing more.

James stayed awake remembering his final thoughts as he was dying and Peter remembered getting revenge and them being killed by Regulus hitting him square in the head with a frying pan. Regulus imagined seeing his brother die, James being stabbed, and Remus poisoning him.

It took multiple hours before James managed to fall asleep first, the others eventually following suit, getting a few hours of well-needed sleep. 

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