Chapter 13

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Sirius and Remus sat on one couch while James and Regulus sat on the other, sitting on opposing sides of the couch while Remus and Sirius sat together in the middle of the couch.

Peter wasn't returning, they'd lost track of how long he'd been gone.

"We need to get out of here," Remus stated. He still stood by that. They needed to get somewhere safe.

"We can't leave Wormtail!" Exclaimed Sirius,

"Or my mom!" James added. Her body still layed dead in the conservatory.

"It doesn't have to be forever, but we're getting out of the house before we get murdered," Remus explained.

"I still agree with Remus, we should just walk out of the front door and go from there, our bags are already packed," Regulus spoke.

"As I said, Wormtail! He is still here, he can't fend off a psychopath-killer, he struggles enough with standing up to bullies!" He exclaimed once again.

"And that is exactly why we need to contact the Aurors, they can make sure Peter is safe and the person who killed Euphemia and Fleamont is brought to Azkaban, we can contact them after we've left the manor and don't have to even speak with them, just give them what we know and let them deal with it!" Remus could feel himself growing more and more annoyed with his two friends, they needed to leave. "I'm walking out of the front door whether you guys come or not is up to you,"

"Fine, I guess you have somewhat of a point," Sirius gave in, not going to let his boyfriend leave him there.

The attention went to James. "So, Potter, are you living till Christmas day or not?" Regulus asked. He too gave in, agreeing to go.

The squad left the library, having to walk down multiple hallways before they reached the top of the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, their luggage no longer sat.

"Our bags were undoubtedly there when Sirius and I were down here," Remus uttered.

"Just great," Groaned Regulus. They were about to step outside into the cool winter breeze with no luggage, not even a jacket.

"Floo system it is," Sirius mumbled. Luckily, as they approached the front door, where the Floo system was located, they noticed that it was open. On the downside, once they turned the corner, approaching the entryway, a body was dangling by a rope right in front of the door.

It was the body of Peter Pettigrew, he was dead.

They could hear their hearts pounding out of their chests, he had been hung. Around his neck was a noose, someone took their time to kill him using muggle method instead of casting a quick, and painless Avada Kadabra.

It was getting late, the sun just about set meaning it was just about eight pm. They'd have to spend the night at the leaky cauldron if, of course, they had enough money on them, they had spent most of their pocket money on their Christmas presents for each other, which, of course, were now all gone.

They couldn't just stand there and look at their friend's hanging dead body, so after a moment, they one by one closed their eyes and quickly stepped into the floo and clearly called out the name of the wizarding inn.

The bar was decently full for eight pm, the day before Christmas eve.

"Can I help you children with something?" The inn keeper and bar owner, asked.

"Yes, actually. How much per room?" Regulus questioned in his usual rich, snobby, pureblood tone.

The cost of one room with 1 bed was far too expensive on its own, but one room with two beds cost the price of 1 room 1 bed and just about half, in the end, that would be cheaper, but they still weren't certain they could afford it.

"Isn't someone able to take money out of Gringotts?" James questioned. He wouldn't be able to because his parents had set him up with a monthly budget, and even if he hadn't used it at all while at Hogwarts, he took out quite a bit for his Christmas Shopping.

"I was disowned, I'm broke," Sirius gave an awkward laugh, turning to his brother in hopes.

"Mother and Father get an owl notifying them whenever I take money from my vault," He stated awkwardly. "I may have made too many 'large' and 'irresponsible' purchases in the past," he grimaced.

"What did you buy?" James asked curiously.

"I bought a brand new, fourteen thousand galleon grand piano," He shrugged.

"Why? The manor has at least five pianos just lying around," Sirius questioned his brother about his worthless purchase.

"I don't know, I've also yet to play it, I prefer my old one anyway,"

"You play the piano?" James asked.

"We're getting off-topic," Remus interrupted. "If we buy one room with two queen-sized beds, we could share, it's just for the one night," Remus suggested. It's not like they could probably sleep much anyway, they were all exhausted from their day and hadn't slept at all since Fleamont passed so they all needed sleep, but they'd probably have nightmare-filled sleep, and none of them were over the last time they had a nightmare.

"OH! Dibs sleeping with Remmy!" Sirius shouted, drawing in the attention of those around them.

"Eew, absolutely not, you can sleep on the floor, I'm not sleeping in the same room as my brother sleeping with his boyfriend," Regulus exclaimed, disgusted.

James grinned, "But you have no problem with sleeping with me?"

"Ew, Prongs might as well be my brother, which makes him your brother," Sirius scrunched his nose at that.

James' grin faded. Sirius just ruined any feelings that they had for each other.

"He's your friend, he's no one's brother" Regulus emphasized. "-and certainly not mine."

"Okay, relax, you've got to stop hating Jaimsie! It's been five years, get over it," Sirius said, cluelessly.

"Anyway," Remus once again interrupted, "We should purchase a room before it hits morning."

They did just that. They bought a two-bed room and ended up laying down on their beds, with the lights on for a while in mostly silence, every now and then, someone, each time being one of the three Gryffindors, would speak up to the other two. Regulus stayed silent, he wasn't a night person, but he also wasn't a morning person so there wasn't much he could do.

They turned the lights off by midnight, finally. It was late, and they could hardly keep their eyes open but at the same time, they felt wide awake.

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