Chapter 5

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On Tuesday morning, a howler arrived addressed to Regulus, from Walburga Black. He didn't bother opening it straight away as he already knew how it would go down. She'd be yelling about how punctuality was an essential and that she never even received an owl explaining his change of plans with a minimum of a week in advance notice. She'd then go off on how he was 'turning into his brother', and yell at him to do better.

The woman was quite predictable.

The five teens played a second game of Clue, again, the killer was Mrs. Peacock, only this time it was in the conservatory, with the dagger.

"Why's Mrs. Peacock going on a murder spree?" James questioned.

"She must really hate Mr. Boddy," Regulus shrugged.

"But what did he do? Maybe he deserves to be murdered," James pondered.

"He probably does," Regulus decided.

"He's a fictional character," Remus reminded the two boys.

Regulus sat up from where he was lying on the floor. "And? Have you never opened a book? There are plenty of fictional characters who deserve to be murdered."

"I think that there should be a card for selecting a victim instead of killing poor Mr. Boddy each time," Sirius suggested.

Remus sighed, "Weren't you complaining that there were too many cards just yesterday?"

"Yes, because there are. The weapons should be small figures of the item instead of cards," Sirius stated.

"Like the Monopoly pieces," Peter chimed in.

Sirius looked at the boy confused.

"Sure, let's go with that," he said, not knowing what 'Monopoly' was, to which Remus explained that it was a different muggle board game.

They talked for a bit longer before they took a break for lunch, which they had soup and sandwiches for. After lunch, the four marauders began replanning their 'prank week' announcement because they had destroyed their original banner. They could either make a new banner or they could think of a new and better form of announcement.

Sirius had the idea of fireworks, although that plan might be too dangerous to do inside, and even then, it would look messy anf they were better than that, they put thought into their plans. They decided that it also might be too difficult to get the entire school outside, but they knew it had to be something that would get the school talking.

Regulus ended up trudging himself up to his room, not interested in listening in on their discussions.

Upon entering his room, his eyes caught sight of the red howler that still sat on his nightstand, right where he had placed it. His mind wandered, maybe he should open it to get it over with, if he left it unopened for too much longer it would probably explode and open on its own.

The only problem with waiting this long to open a howler is that now it's gotten angrier and his mother will be yelling at him much louder. The letter was already slightly shaking so he decided that he might as well open it sooner rather than later.

He grabbed the envelope in his hands and the moment he went to open it, the envelope opened itself and tore right out of his hands.

The voice cleared its throat. "Regulus Arcturus Black," The voice began quietly, gradually getting louder.

"When you make an arrangement, you stick to it," The voice raised. He let the letter carry on, he was partially zoning out but it was impossible to completely ignore the voice.

"Your father and I spent hours waiting for your arrival, we even sent the house elf to pick you up from the station! Not only did you disrespect us, but you wasted our time." Of course, Walburga Black was making it about herself, she has still yet to ask if everything is okay, or if he was even alive.

"I just finished sending an owl to the Crouch family, letting them know that you were rudely skipping out on our annual Christmas dinner," and what a dinner that will be, Regulus figured that Barty forgot to inform his family of his lack of presence over the holiday as well.

Either way, it's good to know that Walburga felt that it was more important to owl the Crouch's, letting them know he would miss the meal, -which was taking place at the Black manor and would not affect them in any way, shape or form- when her son didn't show up on Sunday.

"You better be in a coma or so help me, you will be gone just like your disgraceful brother!" She screamed before the letter burnt to crisps. He knew that wouldn't happen, with Sirius gone, he was the heir, if Regulus was gone they'd have to find a new heir.

Regulus sighed as his ears finally stopped ringing from his mother's screeching. He moved to brush the ashes from the letter off of his bedsheets before there was a knock on the door.

"Yes?" He spoke into the empty air.

"It's me," A voice, James' voice, called.

Regulus walked towards the door, swinging it open with a blank stare.


"Everything okay?" James asked, it was clear that he heard the letter.

"I honestly expected worse," Regulus shrugged. Yes, the letter hurt him but if he said that, Walburga's ego would grow, even if she wasn't here to hear it.

"Okay... But that doesn't answer my question, I mean I don't know how you do it, I would be in tears just from being yelled at in such a tone," James admitted sheepishly.

Regulus scoffed. "No, you wouldn't. You get yelled at all the time and you laugh about it," Regulus rolled his eyes.

"But that's different, and even then, it still makes me feel like I'm going to cry but I know Minnie is just doing her job, and I can't blame her anyways, I do keep putting myself in these situations," James explained. "She also has never wished that I was in a coma," he added.

"Why don't you just eavesdrop," Regulus mumbled.

"I was not eavesdropping, I just happened to have been walking to my room to grab a jumper," Regulus knew it was true, the others -who were still downstairs- could probably hear Walburga screaming, she just had a specific pitch to her voice that carried.

"Well if you're not going to talk with me, would you at least like to go back downstairs with me? We're all done with our planning," He offered.

"Fine," He gave in, exhaling.

"After you," James said, dramatically guiding Regulus out of his room with a motion of his arms. 

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