Important Questions For The Story

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Hey everybody I just wanted to ask something that has been on my mind for this story. I'm thinking of turning it into a slight harem, with a slight harem I mean there will be only hints that some fell in love with (Y/N), not like (Y/N) starts dating everyone. I would most likely give you the vote on who will be in the harem but not many it will likely be 3 - 5 maybe 6. I will try to give all the girls equal time to develop something for (Y/N). At the end of the story, I will give you a choice of who will win. But don't worry I plan on making multiple route endings like a visual novel for every candidate but that is far in the future.

So I'm interested in what you guys think if you would like a harem, to begin with, or not. You can ask me more questions with a comment and I'm sure to answer. Hope you all enjoy Christmas next week with your family.

Bye Bye!

Bleached Of The Curse (Splatoon x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now