Ch. 9: Unexpected Alliance

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*(Y/N) POV*

Confusion clouded my thoughts as I tried to decipher the motives of this persistent pursuer. Was she an enemy, determined to erase all evidence of my past? How had she obtained this information, and when did she locate me? Countless questions raced through my mind.

(No, I need to regain my composure and stay calm).

(Y/N): Even if I am involved, what do you intend to do with that information?

???: That remains uncertain.

(Y/N): Don't beat around the bush. First, I need some answers. Are you affiliated with those scientists?

???: No, I am not.

She asserted herself, but I couldn't be sure if she spoke the truth; her concealed face made it nearly impossible to read her. I maintained my distance, staying vigilant.

???: Regardless, let's get to the point. I've come to propose an alliance.

(Y/N): ...

Hmm, what's this about...

(Y/N): How can I trust you, though?

???: That's a valid question; perhaps you can't. That would be the logical assumption...

???: However, what we do share is a common adversary.

It initially perplexed me, but I soon realized who she referred to.

(Y/N): So, you're after those scientists, too?

???: Correct.

(Y/N): Before I consider this, what's your motive for pursuing them? As far as I knew, I was the last remaining connection to the project.

???: You're right. From your perspective, it might seem that way. I'll share my reason, but you must answer a question of mine as well.

(Y/N): Fine...

???: I wasn't directly part of the experiment, but someone close to me was. We were separated in our youth, and I heard of their disappearance shortly after. As I grew up, I conducted my own investigations, eventually discovering the truth about the experiment. But by then, it was already too late.

(I can somewhat grasp her desire for revenge, but there are discrepancies in her story. There was no external information about that island, so how did she obtain it?)

(Y/N): Alright, I can understand your motivation to some extent.

???: So, it's time for my question. Can you tell me your code number?

(Y/N): 046.

???: He's on the list of deceased. If you're lying, do it more convincingly.

(Fooling her won't be easy. Where does she have access to all this information?)


???: So, keeping it a secret, I guess that's okay for now. I will find it out eventually, anyway.

She began to lower her hood, revealing her face entirely. With her hood down, her purple tentacles and vibrant purple eyes were even more striking than mine. Looking at her again, she appeared remarkably young. If her story held true, how could such a young girl be this composed and skilled in combat?

???: Well, anyway, I didn't expect to find you so quickly.

(Y/N): What do you mean we're you searching for me?

???: Yes, but I didn't anticipate it happening this soon... Anyway, what do you say about cooperation?

(Y/N): Well...

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