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-How about a baby?

The question caught Chan off guard who almost choked on his spit.


-Relax, Jisung giggled while snuggling in Chan's chest. I heard a girl from the other class got pregnant. At such young age. Since you are... you know...more mature... I was wondering if you ever thought of kids.

Chan sighed and stared at the wall.

Jisung's head was using his right hand as a pillow.

-I guess... I feel this social pressure, you know? That everyone must have kids. There is no purpose in life without children. But I don't think I want any. Why? Do you? Chan asked afraid that his answer killed the mood.

-No, Jisung shook his head. I couldn't see myself with a kid. That responsibility would be too much to handle for me. I don't even like kids. They don't like me either. Why would I sacrifice my time and money for a kid?

-Maybe you say that now, but once the motherly instinct kicks, you will become soft as a marshmallow, Chan snorted, ruffling the younger's hair.

-Me? Not a chance. I won't have kids. I can't possibly imagine why would I want one.

Chan smiled and took Jisung's hand to kiss it.

-Did you eat before coming here?

-No. Why?

-You smell like eggs.

Jisung's mouth parted slightly in realization. He got up and cleaned his throat.

-I will take a shower now.

-Want me to join? Chan smirked.

-Maybe another time, Jisung awkwardly smiled.

Jisung was a teenager, unprepared for adulthood. That's for sure.

He wasn't in love, but he believed with his whole being he was.

Because he was afraid he could never find someone else. Chan was his safe ship. The dose of adrenaline he had never experienced.

The good smart boy having a secret relationship with his teacher. He wanted to make that thing his character. To feel proud. He did something bad. That blinded him.

He was two weeks away from graduation. Two weeks away from the summer vacation. Two weeks away from his three months spent with Chan. As a couple. Without having to hide their relationship.

Yet he was struggling.

After he apologized in front of the class because of hitting on the teacher, his life became a nightmare. A silent one.

He started being bullied, ignored by his friends, trashed with eggs and food. He started hiding on every occasion. And throwing up in the school's bathroom. He lost weight again. He was a wreck.

But none of that mattered when he had Chan.

Two weeks. He had to survive two more weeks. It wasn't impossible.

Jisung found himself with the back hitting the lockers. Five guys were staying before him, laughing at him.

-Be a good slut and show us how you did your teacher, would you? one of them said.

Jisung didn't look at them. He stayed silent and tried to keep his breathing steady.

-I think he won't take it seriously until you show him the goods, another guy nudged with his elbow the first one.

-Right, he laughed. He must see how big I am, he said starting to unzip his pants.

Jisung tried to get up, but another guy pushed him down, his head hitting the lockers.

He squinted in pain and placed his hand on the back of his head, feeling the warm red liquid.

-Guys, I think he's hurt! one guy said.

-Oh, crap! another one said before running away, followed by the others.

-Jisung? Chan saw him just in time to call the ambulance.

The younger was unconscious, a tray of blood falling on his back.

He woke up an hour later, in a hospital bed, Chan on his side.

-Hey, are you ok? How are you feeling? Should I call the doctor? Chan started freaking out.

-No. I'm fine.

-Jisung, what happened? The principal said the cameras showed you were pushed. How did that happen?

-Promise not to get mad, he said squeezing Chan's hand.


-I've been bullied since I apologized to you in front of the class. But it's fine. It doesn't matter. I have you and in two weeks, everything will be forgotten.

-Jisung, you should have told someone. You got hurt today! Chan unconsciously raised his voice.

He was mad, not at Jisung of course, but at the other students and himself for not noticing.

When he looked up he saw Jisung curled up in a ball, covering his ears and trembling.

-Hey, what's wrong? Jisung? Chan asked, trying to touch Jisung, but the latter was flinching. I'll call the doctor! Stay here! he said before running down the hall.

-He had a migraine. Probably his first, so he doesn't know how to react, the doctor explained. He hit his head pretty badly. He will have migraines from now on. Mostly because of loud noises. Did you yell at him or something?

-I raised my voice by accident, Chan admitted.

-Be careful from now on, alright? I'll bring the papers. He can be discharged now.

The doctor left the room and Chan sat carefully on the bed, next to Jisung.

-I'm sorry! he whispered, placing his head on Jisung's shoulder. I'm really sorry! For everything.

-It's alright. I have good news, hyung!

-Really? What happened?

Chan saw Jisung smile and his heart filled with happiness.

-Mom is in town!

Chan's smile slowly disappeared.

-I thought she will be here in two weeks.

-She wanted to make me a surprise. Now you can meet her! Jisung said excitedly. You and her at my graduation. It will be great! he hugged Chan tightly.

Daisy | Stray Kids AU Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now