❄️ chapter 46: we meet again

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chapter soundtrack: 우주 정복 #1 - 2nd moon

It was the beginning of February.

The day when the royal couple had to go back to college finally came. Youngro would be busy with classes and assignments along with her royal duties as Crown Princess, while Sooho would be fully focused to finish his final project with his team and his royal duties too. As it was the last term for him, he actually got more time to execute his project shootings without any distraction from lecture sessions or other assignments. The King even gave him less royal paperwork and projects to do during this period.

Early in the morning, Youngro and Sooho took a car ride together to the college. Secretary Gong was sitting at the front, while Kangmoo was driving next to him.

Youngro checked on the maps on her device, it would take 20 minutes of car ride to their college from the royal palace. With the traffic that morning, normally it would even take longer to arrive there. However, as a privilege of the royal family, Kangmoo had a royal guard with a motorcycle ready to open the way for them on the road. The guard rode the motorcycle ahead of them, right in front of their car. Magically, the other vehicles on the street of Seoul immediately moved away from the lane where Kangmoo drove his car, giving the royal family car a clear path to pass by. Youngro believe, they would arrive at the college in less than 20 minutes.

It was a total opposite of the experience the girl had before. She had always been taking the public transport wherever she went. She took the public bus to go to the campus. Most of the time, the bus she took would be so packed in the morning and the traffic would be so horrific that she had to depart earlier from her house so that she wouldn't be late for morning classes.

"Is your jacket warm enough?" Next to her, the Crown Prince leaned in closer to the girl, asking her quietly.

Youngro glanced away from her phone screen to meet the man's gaze and nodded. "It's warm."

Carefully, the girl returned her gaze on him, checking Sooho from head to toe. Her husband looked warm that day with his thick cream jacket and a navy scarf on his neck. "You have to stay warm too," She said, her right hand tapped on the man's scarf. "Don't get too tired today, and have a lot of water. You said you'll start the short film production soon, right?"

"Yes," the man smiled as he watched the girl tapping on his scarf. "We'll finalize everything by today. And we'll start moving around to shoot scenes by end of week."

"Sounds great," Youngro giggled, fisting her fingers and showed it to Sooho. While scrunching her nose, Youngro lifted the corner of her mouths and grinned brightly at him. "Im Sooho, fighting!"

Uh oh.

The sight of her adorable wife hyping him up made him feeling overjoyed. In instant, the man quickly moved his glance away from the girl and covered his mouth. His lips were pursed together. His gestures was done nonchalantly, however Youngro could notice faint blushes on his cheeks. And that somehow made her want to go further.

"Huh? Why are you facing away?" Youngro teased him, a playful smile was visible on her face. She tried to reach out and grab the Crown Prince's arm so that he would face her again. "I can't see your face! Crown Prince!" She laughed heartily.

At the front seat, Kangmoo and Secretary Gong exchanged meaningful stare. Without saying anything, they only glanced at each other and smiled. Kangmoo was the first one to nod his head and broke the eye contact. Then, he silently held back his chuckle as he watched the newly-wedded couple once more from the rear view mirror.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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