♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊 ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥

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|Third Person POV|

It's been a whole month since Sonic's been discharged from the hospital, and he's been very busy with the trials, for his attempt of Suicide, and to find the legal guardian, Robotnik won the case, and Sonic is living with his boyfriend and his family, the blue hedgehog was trying to focus on the Scientist that is the his private teacher, do to Doctor's orders Sonic had to be home schooled cause of the habit of him just screaming out in public or if someone that he didn't know was to close to him. His bullies broke his mind like that, but he was mostly a danger to himself cause of his suicide attempt, and the self-harm cuts on his thighs and arms.

The blue hedgehog was wearing a black hoodie, with baggy jeans that were torn at the heels from the pants dragging on the floor. "Sonic?"

"C-Can W-we have a b-break and continue t-tomorrow." The Azure Hedgehog asked, the Scientist just smiles and nodded, they understood that Sonic was still in his recovery process, and didn't want to stress the poor hedgehog out.

Sonic closes his notebook, he was still getting use to living in a big technology base house, not that he was hopeless or anything, he just didn't feel comfortable with the Robots being so nice to him, and helping him with not trying to end his life. He gets up from his desk and started to leave, he had his own room, with his stuff, to help him feel more at home, but he could never go back to being the same hedgehog he used to be. He picks up the picture of him and his family, he was so happy back then...but now.

"So this is where you've been hiding!" Sonic drops the picture onto the floor when he heard the voice, he started to tremble, backing away. "S-Shadow...I...p-please..." Sonic pleaded the darker hedgehog step closer to Sonic.

"ZERO!!" Myers shouted at the Jackal, the illusion turning his attention to the dark blue hedgehog who was standing in the doorway, Sonic was hugging himself trembling and whimpering, the thought of seeing Shadow...and Scourge...scared him more than dying, and the fact that he had to testify against the ebony hedgehog soon, was making him nervous, and frighten.

"Gee Relax Myers, I'm only trying to get him ready for the trail..." Zero said the illusion disappearing from view.

"That's what I am here for..." Myers called out Sonic hugs the darker hedgehog, sniffing and starting to tear up, he didn't want to go back home, he didn't want be in the hands of his abusers.

"Ugh...Lighten up...Metal," Zero said folding his arms, he turns to leave. "But I get it...I'm just reminder to him of how weak he really is" he laughs as he walks away.

Sonic just buries his face into Myers.

"It's okay...I don't think your weak, Your still recovering." Myers smiles giving the azure hedgehog a small kiss on his forehead.

"I don't want to go...back..." Sonic whimpered.

"I know...but you have to...To give your testimony, for Shadow, and once you do he'll be thrown in jail" Myers said with a smile on his muzzle, he cups Sonic cheeks and wipes away his tears with his thumbs, "Come on Beautiful," he added taking Sonic's hand and leading him out of the room to the hallway and to the front door.

"W-where we going?..." Sonic asked still a little shaken up by the encounter.

"To take a walk," Myers said with a smile. Sonic's ears are flatten to his head, but he just takes a hold of Myers hand feeling safe with him then with Zero, he takes in the fresh air, it felt like a year since he been outside, he missed going out for walks, and playing at the park with his friends...a small whimper escapes his throat, as he followed beside Myers.

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