New Friends

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I talk to Alice and Edward for the rest of lunch my.

Alice walks with me to our French class. On the way to French she stops me and says "I think that me and you are going to be best friends" she smiles as she says that. I look at her "I hope so" I tell her.

"Ok here we are french class" she says. We walk in together I give the teacher the note to sign she signs it and points for a spot for me to sit. It's next to Alice.

The class starts I don't really pay any attention because I can speak french fluently.

I start to think about what I should cook tonight. I love cheeseburgers I could make that but does Charlie even have a barbecue. I make a mental note to check when I get home.

I could makes lasagna that cooks in a oven I know for a fact Charlie has an oven I've used it before.

I'll walk to the store after school and pickup the stuff I need and then walk home that'll be a long walk with groceries. I decide that's a later problem and I start paying attention to the teacher.

The teacher passes out home work. It's French verbes that's easy I'll finish it in under 10 minutes.

Then the bell rings. Alice and I gather our things. "I hate French it's really hard for me" Alice says. "I can help you if you want I'm umm fluent in French so it's easy for me" I pause "only if you want." I say and look at her.

"Yeah I would really like that" she says. "Cool you could come over after school" I say. "Ok what time" she asks. "Well I have to get groceries then go home so 4:30" I say. "Yeah that works" she says. "What class do you have next" she asks. "Biology" I say.

"Oh that's too bad I have history but Edward is in that class. I'll see you later" she say and walks of before and can say bye.

I get to biology and give the teacher my slip that he needs to sign. He signs it and gives it back to me.

He points to a spot for me to sit and it's next to Edward. I sit down and say hi. He says hello.

Then the bell rings and class starts. We are learning about onion root cells. Me and Edward are partners I hope didn't have a regular partner and is now forced to work with me.

"I'm happy I have a partner of my own usually I'm put in another group" he say. That calms me a bit knowing I didn't stop him from working his partner.

"Uh you can go first if you want" I tell him. "Sure" he says and takes the microscope and places the slide in it.

Then he looks at it and says "Prophase" I don't know if he's right he just glanced at it barely even looked at it. I don't want to ask him if I can check it but I really don't want to fail because he guessed.

"Would you like to check it?" he asks. "Ummm yes please" I say.

He pushes the microscope so that I can look into it. I look at it and prophase he was right. "Ummm yeah prophase" I say.

Ugh now I feel bad that I checked it. "Ok you're turn." He says and switches the slide for me. "Thank you" I say. "No problem" he says.

I look through the microscope "Anaphase" I tell him. "Do you want to check" I ask him. "Sure" he says.

I push the microscope towards him. He looks and says "anaphase" then he writes it down.

He changes the slide then looks and says "metaphase, do you want to check." I kind of do but I think he's right. "No I umm I believe you" I tell him.

We finish first and get the golden onion. Then the bell rings and it's the end of the day.

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