He's a vampire

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I wake up to the sound of knocking on the window.

I check the clock in my room and it's 4:32pm. The curtain is closed.

I start to get out of bed and walk to the window. I pull aside the blinds. It's Edward. I don't know what to do.

So I just stare at him for a few seconds. Then I decide to talk to him. I unlock the window and push it open.

"You know." He says. "Wow not even a hello." I say and laugh but my face hurts and I wince.

"Hello." He adds and laughs a bit.

"We need to talk come with me." He says. I'm scared how does he know I know.

"I can read minds, Alice can see the future and Jasper can feel people's feelings." He says.

What. I don't know what to say. "Can we talk here?" I ask.

"Yes." He says. I sit down on my bed and he does too.

We sit in silence for a few seconds until he says. "Me and my family are vampires." He says.

He's a vampire.

I knew it. I think He is going to kill me now. Maybe I can make a run to the door.

He probably has some super vampire powers. I wonder if he can control my mind.

"I am not going to kill you. Also I can not control your mind." He says. How did he know what I was thinking.

Oh right he can read minds. I start panicking again.

I take some deep breathes and he put his cold hand on the back of my neck.

I freeze. Some how that small gesture calms me down. He cares for me. He is not going to kill me. But he does kill people.

How else does he eat. I mean Stefan Salvatore drinks bunny rabbits blood. Maybe he does that. Hopefully he does that.

"You are quite close. Me and my family are different from others of our kind. We don't feed on humans." He says.

"So you drink bunny rabbits blood?" I ask.

"No, we drink bigger animals blood for example deer and mountain lions and bears." He says.

Ok then. I think about what he said about the thing him, Alice and Jasper can do.

"You said you can read minds and the other 2 have powers too. Can you tell me more about that?" I ask.

"Yes. So I can read minds that pretty self explanatory. Alice can only see the future once people have made a decision but people change they're mind a lot especially you." He says and laughs at the last part.

I do too a little bit.

"And Jasper's I think are the most interesting. He can feel everyone's emotions but he can also change them." He says. He can change them?

"Here I can give you an example. You're first day at Fork's high school Jasper said you were one of the most nervous people there. So during the first class he tried to calm you down. But then he said that you felt uncomfortable the rest of the day because that wasn't normal so then he never did that again." He says.

"I knew something was off that day." I say quietly.

"What about the others in your family do they have any power's like that?" I ask him.

"No but Carlisle is very compassionate. Emmett is super strong. Rosalie has extreme beauty. And Esme has the strong ability to love passionately." He says.

"Do all vampires have powers?" I ask. "No not all of us." He says.

Wait something just occurred to me how old is he. Like 500? 100? 300? 1000?

"I was born in 1901. I died of the Spanish influenza in 1918." He tells me. Holy shit he is like over 100 years old.

Author note- Caroline finds out Edward is for sure a vampire. I will try to post another chapter by Wednesday.

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