10.9K 208 8

The plane was delayed another half hour, and another as the man watched the little girl closely. Her eyelids were drooping, her feet long since stopped wiggling as she tried to keep her head up. He looked to the clock on the wall and noted the late hour, his eyes traveling to the little girl once again as her head dipped and lifted quickly once again as she tried desperately to stay awake.

"Excuse me." He said quickly as he reached a hand toward one of the flight attendants. The flight attendant stopped and looked into the man's eyes as his eyes dropped down to the little girl just as her head drooped and lifted again. "Do you have a blanket or a pillow that she can use?" He asked in a soft voice as the woman looked to Derek and to the girl.

"She won't accept it, sir. She's our responsibility right now, not yours."

"Yes... but when she falls off that chair in an exhausted heap onto my briefcase, I'd like to know that she won't damage it." He said with a sarcastic growl, his point brought across to her very clearly. "I'd appreciate it if you could please bring me a blanket and a pillow for her."

"She will not accept it, sir."

"I will talk to her." He said with a soft nod as he watched the flight attendant walk to the counter. She pulled a small pillow and blanket similar to those that they have on the airplane and walked to him. She carefully placed the items in his hands and watched as he walked over to the little girl.

He knelt before her slowly, her eyes rolling back as she tried to steady herself, her backpack pulling her back as she tried to retain a sleepy balance. "Hey there..." He said as he knelt before her, the pillow and blanket in one hand as he ran his fingertips through his dark locks. He was positive that the flight attendant was watching his every move, and he had no qualms about it whatsoever. It made him feel glad that someone, somewhere was watching over the little girl. "Aren't you cold?" Derek asked as he watched her shake her head, refusing the blanket.

"I bet that you're tired?" He said as he watched her shake her head again, her body wobbling as she yawned a great big yawn, her hand moving to her mouth as she refused to speak. "Are you tired?" He asked, watching as her eyes stared into his as she shook her head softly. "What about if I leave this blanket here... next to you, just in case you get sleepy... will that be okay?" He asked softly.

Her grey eyes lightened slightly as she looked up at him, her cheeks were blushed with sleepiness as she opened her mouth just a little and he listened as a little squeak slipped from her lips.

"What is it, sweetheart?" He asked softly as he watched her carefully. He watched as she moved her lips, whispering something so softly that he couldn't hear it. "What was that, sweetheart?" He whispered as she swallowed hard and tilted her head as he leaned his head toward her and listened carefully.

"What is your name?" Her voice was sweet and angelic, falling softly across his ears as her breath tickled his ear as he leaned back and looked into her eyes.

"Derek." He said as he held out his hand to her. "My name is Derek." He said softly as he watched her nod her head softly.

"I..." She whimpered, her voice a little stronger as she reached her tiny hand to his. It slowly slid into his much larger hand as he tenderly gripped her hand, shaking it softly as her lip began to tremble. "I...I..."

"What's wrong?"

"I have to pee pee, Derek." She whispered, leaning closer to Derek as she pulled her hand from his.

"Oh... oh, you have to go to the bathroom?" Derek said softly as she nodded her head in affirmation. He turned his head and glanced to the flight attendant as she watched him carefully place the blanket on the chair arm. He nodded slightly at her as she walked toward them, crouching down to their level.

"What is it, sweetheart?" The flight attendant asked softly as she glanced to Derek.

"She needs to go to the ladies room." Derek said with a half smile as he watched the flight attendant nod.

"Oh... you have to go potty?" The flight attendant asked as the little girl nodded, reaching her hand toward Derek, she grabbed hold of his sleeve.

"Derek can take me." She whispered as she looked into his eyes pleading as the flight attendant shook her head softly.

"I think it'd be best if I take you, sweetheart. No boys are allowed in the little girl's room."

"I'll hold her place." Derek said softly as he nodded as the little girl's grip slowly loosened. "Go on, go with the nice lady to the potty." Derek said as he watched her gray eyes lift to the flight attendant.

"Would you mind holding her bag?" The flight attendant asked as she helped the little girl pull her pink backpack from her back.

"I wouldn't mind at all." Derek said as he carefully took the backpack and watched the little girl slide from the seat. She grasped tightly to the flight attendant's hand as he watched her turn around and give him a half smile. "Bye, Derek." She said as she waved her hand, walking away quickly with the flight attendant.

He waved his hand, watching the little girl disappear through the crowd with the flight attendant as he sat for a moment holding her bag. He looked at the little tag on the backpack, where neatly it was written.

Zoey Grey
342 West Manhattan St.
Brooklyn, NY

He smiled sadly at the little girl's name, swallowing hard for a moment as he tipped his head back for a minute or two. He closed his eyes as he tried to block out the sounds surrounding him as people bustled and shouted, yelled and grunted in dissatisfaction. The longer he sat there, the more he dreaded the ultimate flight to Seattle. A five hour flight in an enclosed area with all of these people was bound to be dreadful. He sighed deeply as suddenly he felt a slight pressure on his leg and looked down just in time to see the little blonde headed girl in motion, her hand on his leg as she pulled herself into his lap in her own accord, settling with her back against his arm and her head against his chest before he could say a word. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Derek asked as she reached forward and grabbed the blanket from the arm chair, pulling it over herself, she pushed her head into his chest.

"Shh..." She whispered, as she closed her eyes against the stranger. Derek shook his head and watched the curious little being in his arms as she breathed one long deep sigh, and immediately drifted off.

The flight attendant stood above them for a moment, watching the entire exchange as she watched the perplexed look on Derek's face. She reached out to lift the little girl from his lap, and was stopped by Derek's gentle fingertips on her hand. "No..." he whispered as he nodded toward her. "Just let her sleep." He whispered, as he held the tiny stranger in his arms, as she nodded softly and stood up, as everything around them continued to move.

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