Chapter 1

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5209 BC.

A single strand of silky black hair floated away in the wind. The young warrior's footsteps were imperceptible in the sandy ground. Unintelligible voices rang out in every corner of the silent town. As she closed in on the crowded town square, her fist tightened around her beautifully crafted sword hilt. She exhaled slowly, stepping into the bright sunlight.. She blinked, violet eyes glimmering. Only a few eyes flitted to her; not many would pay attention to a 5'' girl wearing a mask. They would pay attention to the sword she held. There was nothing extraordinary about it - except how comfortably she handled it. The young girl frowned, unnoticed with her mask over her nose. She knew she couldn't get through, so she sheathed her sword, blew on her hands, and leapt up, hanging on the edge of the roof above her. The sound of clashing metal got louder the closer she got. Using her upper body only, she hauled herself up. Now she could see. The necklace she wore, a cross, swung out as she leaned over the edge. She stood and walked closer to the center, where there was a competition running. She sat down on the edge of the roof, watching the two warriors fight with astonishing ferocity.

The sound of spear on spear clashed, the narrative voice oddly siren-ish. Immediately, the silent spectator could see who was winning. The contestants were both female. One had beautiful blond hair and sparkling cobalt eyes. The other had shiny brunette hair and glittering emerald eyes. And the brunette was winning. The girl knew she was right. The blonde was tiring. Sure enough, moments later, the brunette had won, disarming the blonde. "TESSA WINS!!" The observer flinched at the sudden loud voice, and the cheering. The brunette was proud, she could tell. As she raised her spear, the blonde bowed to Tessa and then walked away. "Tessa looks ready for another challenger! Who is brave enough to take her on?" Silence fell, everyone looking at everyone else. Tessa smiled, looking around at everyone. Nobody took the bait. Tessa started to preen and mock. The young warrior watching pursed her lips. I want to take her down a few pegs, she decided.

"I do not know if it is worth my time." She began. Every single eye turned to her. Tessa's smile faded at the dismissive tone the speaker held. "But I will challenge this Tessa." The person narrating was eager to get the show on the road.

"BRILLIANT! What is your name, young lady?"

She shifted, standing up. Silence reigned, waiting for the name of the challenger. She walked off the roof, landing with her knees slightly bent in a crouch. The challenger drew her sword, lifting her head and standing. "Ara." The children watching approved of this challenger. She reminded them of a legend of the kitsune - special foxes that could shapeshift. They were noble and beautiful. However, the children came to the collective agreement that kitsune did not seek out fighting, and she wasn't one. Often, they went searching for the myth, to no avail. They had all gone into hiding due to some uncertain reason - the children guessed it was a leader that chased them away. A kitsune hadn't shown itself for centuries.

"WE have A NAME! ARA! Brave challenger of Tessa's fearsome reign."

Ara sighed softly. Does he have to make everything so dramatic? It's just a fight, she thought wryly. Everyone shifted, making a path as Ara walked through, sword in hand. Tessa stared her down, spear ready. "READY! ... SET! ... FIGHT!" Tessa lunged towards Ara, expecting an easy opponent, and very unbridled in her approach. Ara eyed her impassively, taking two steps forward to jump onto Tessa's shoulders, do a quick flip in the air and land facing the warrior. Tessa felt the weight leave her shoulders, wind whipping past her spear. She frowned slightly, understanding her opponent's strength more. She would have to respect Ara's abilities to beat her. Ara walked in casual circles around Tessa, gaze never leaving her's. In the blink of an eye, Ara moved across the ground. Tessa raised her spear. Ara's move was a feint, sliding under the taller warrior and standing quickly, kicking her down brutally. Ara's goal was merely to show she was equal, if not better, to Tessa.

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