Chapter 11

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Lilian and Theeta had conversed mentally. I'm sorry. He seemed like a good choice. She shrugged. Theeta had given her some strength of her own. Theeta had strength to spare.

Well, I seem to make a lot of bad choices.

What are you going to do now? Go back to Maize Hall? Theeta wouldn't indulge in pitying Lilian. She could sympathize, but it wasn't Theeta's problem right now. Maize Hall was the Maize Dragon's realm - up in the sky, only accessible by riding a dragon there. The wide clouds provided stable ground for a world of their own - grass, waterfalls, caves, and so on.

No. It's time for another life.

Again? Haven't you run enough? Theeta was somewhat surprised.

If he knew what I was, Henry would run. He's moving on - and that's.. Fine. Theeta heard the pain in her voice, and heard her heart rate speeding up. He deserves happiness. If I can't give him that then I'll leave.

Calm down, Ara. You're not supposed to get your heart rate up. What do you need? She would help where she could. Lilian did need sleep though.

Don't call me Ara! She listened though, and breathed in slower. Could you stay with me? For a few days, at least. Just until I'm all healed.


Theeta landed lightly. She'd been flying for an hour, and Lilian had passed out at that point. She twisted her neck, picking Lilian up gently in her mouth. She walked into the cave she'd selected. Using magic, she created a bed and brought it into existence. She set Lilian down gently. I would call her stupid, but she's my queen, so I can't. Silly girl, she amended. You could have at least waited until you were better. Henry would've kept you for a while longer. After all, the god of persuasion would be good with the kitsune queen.

Four months later...

Lilian had stayed with Theeta. The dragon had barely left her side. Fortunately, Theeta's constant looking out for Lilian allowed Lilian to heal and grow stronger. Theeta had said her goodbyes after a week and left.

Lilian flexed her fingers. She bounced lightly on the balls of her feet. The man in front of her threw a punch. Lilian ducked, twisting her body and turning around his lunge. Bringing her knee up, she slammed it down on the back of his leg. The man fell down to the ground, pain shooting up from his leg. He twisted at the same time he slid his leg out from Lilian's heel. His elbow slammed into her stomach. Lilian mouthed something silently and brought her knee up again, catching her opponent's chin. Right after, her palm smashed into his face. He was immediately out, his nose broken.

"Another win!!" The announcer yelled. Lilian's third win without a break. She was led to the side by another man.

"Take a break, Fox." He ordered, giving her a glass of water. She learned from her mistake and didn't drink from it, instead setting it down by her feet.

"I'm fine." Lilian insisted. She was ready to go. She still hadn't dealt with her problem with Henry. Crying herself to sleep was a regular thing, and with sleep came energy and motivation. She used that energy to fight, taking out her anger and depression on others willing to fight her. Her manager looked at her intently.

"Fine." He gestured to some unseen watcher. A fight was set up immediately. "Any song requests?" Her manager went by Hickory. He was tall, 6'2, with eyes the same color as the sunset, and rusty orange hair to match. There was a single teal strand in his short hair.

"This is what heartbreak feels like." Lilian's answer was swift. Hickory was somewhat surprised that she had an answer. Usually she was stumped. He nodded and disappeared after leaving her near the ring.

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