Chapter 12

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Lilian flew backward through the air. She twisted gracefully and landed on the balls of her feet. She rose quickly, spinning as she stepped to the side. Her opponent rushed past her. Lilian caught his arm, and in a fluid motion, swept his arm under his body and sent him to the ground. "Another win!" An unnamed shouter announced when the man she was fighting didn't get up. Lilian walked away. Hickey grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the side.

"You didn't show up yesterday." He scowled, tightening his hold on her wrists. Lilian winced, trying to tug her wrists free.

"I don't have to show up every day." Lilian answered calmly.

"Yes, you do! You do what I tell you to do." Hickory glared at her, raising his hand. His wrist was grabbed, a force twisting his hand against his bones.

"Let... her... go.." The voice behind him was soft, his tone set low. A growl rumbled deep in his throat. Hickory flinched as Henry continued to bend his hand backwards, putting a sharp strain on the small bones in his wrist.. Hickory released Lilian immediately. Henry shoved Hickory to the side and put his foot forward, stepping into Lilian's embrace. He glared at Hickory as Lilian tucked her head into his chest. "She's done street fighting." Henry's gaze never left Hickory. "If I ever see you around her again, you will regret it." Hickory paled somewhat, putting on a brave façade. Hickory wasn't sure if he should buy the act. I thought Fox was too tough for a relationship. Maybe he's bluffing...

"And who are you?" Hickory challenged. He should've known better. If Lilian didn't have her arms wrapped around Henry, he would've exterminated Hickory then and there.

"Not anyone to be trifled with." Henry warned, eyes shimmering with a dangerous light. "Again, I warn you. Stay away from her." He untangled himself from Lilian, standing beside her.

"How would you know if I went near her?" Hickory continued to challenge him. Henry turned and faced Hickory. Lilian tugged gently on his hand, a silent message.

"Don't worry." Henry's voice was cold; dark and sinister, sending a spark of fear coiling up to Hickory's heart. "I'll know." His hand curled around Lilian's wrist, pulling her gently with him as he walked away. The gripping fear slowly left Hickory, leaving a dull thrum in his heart.

"Well who would've guessed?" Hickory mused. He knew someone who would find this information very interesting. He hurried off in the opposite direction of where the two had set off. I got the message though. Stay away from Fox. Will I? Probably not.

Lilian followed Henry quietly. She hadn't expected him to get involved, wasn't expecting Hickory to challenge her partner. She hadn't expected a lot of things to happen, yet they did.

Henry continued walking to his car. He opened the door for Lilian, relinquishing his hold on her wrist. Lilian slid into the passenger's seat of his black car. Henry shut the door and walked around, getting into his side. He drove without saying a word. Lilian endured the silence for an hour. When they were passing a large meadow beside a cliff, Lilian spoke.

"You're making me nervous... talk to me." She spoke softly, anxiety rising even as she breathed in to speak.

"Not much to talk about." Henry remarked, her gentle voice bouncing around in his head. "Except... What was Hickory to you?" He decided to ask, while she was confined.

"Fighting manager." She shrugged, wondering where this was going.

"Did he... ever try anything?" Henry asked cautiously. Lilian's silence stretched for several minutes. Her gaze flitted to him; his face was unreadable, but his knuckles were white, clutching the steering wheel tightly.

We were separate when I met Hickory. Is he jealous about things that happened in that time period? The logical side of her brain said yes. Absolutely. He still cared for me - he would likely remain jealous for a while. The other side of her brain, more flighty and unreliable, told her otherwise. No! He can't be.. That'd be weird.

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