Chapter 8

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Henry was filling out paperwork. They were still in Iowa - the agency liked the agents to fill out the report where they were sent, so they would be less likely to forget things in the time it took to travel back to where their HQ was. Lilian was sleeping, as Henry offered to do both of their homework. The doctor had visited and taken out the bullets, stitching her up. When she was feeling better, Henry was going to have a serious talk with her. Lilian woke up quietly. Henry didn't notice. She looked at him, vision hazy. I'm in trouble, aren't I? She mentally sighed, closing her eyes and relaxing. When Henry finished filling out the paper, he got up and walked over to her. Crawling in bed beside her, he lay down, wrapping his arms around her. Lilian betrayed herself and snuggled closer to him, tucking her head into his chest.

"We should probably get going if you're awake." Henry said quietly, mouth by her ear.

"I'm not." Her voice was muffled. She felt a brace on her wrist and cloth tight around her hip. When we get back, Vega's going to pester me.. Henry smiled, suppressing a laugh.

"You sound very awake..." He teased, sliding his hand up to her neck. He pulled her away from him gently, staring into her shimmering eyes. She looked nervous. And she's right to be. If she wasn't my girlfriend, the yelling would be nonstop. "And you look like you're awake." She was smart enough not to move her right hand when she pushed herself away from Henry.

"Where's the yelling?" She sighed, fully expecting it by now. Liilian rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling. Henry propped himself up on his elbow, looking down at her.

"I've decided not to yell at you. Your punishment will be no cuddles for two weeks." Henry knew that would be better than yelling at her. He just didn't realize how hard it would be to not be close to her for two weeks.

Lilian sat up and eyed him. "I'd take the yelling." Henry just smirked. She got up, wincing when she stood. I forgot how much I hate getting shot. "Give me five minutes."

As a matter of fact, it was six minutes and five seconds before she was ready to go. On the private plane, Lilian was struggling to open a bottle of water. It'd been a while since she was forced to use her left hand, so it didn't come back easily. Henry leaned over, opening it for her. "Thanks." She mumbled, not looking directly at him. The last time her wrist was out of commission, she hadn't had anyone to help her.

Lilian watched Henry sleep. She blinked and was thrown into a scene that wasn't hers.

"Step away from the phone." The voice was familiar to Lilian, yet she couldn't place it. She watched through the eyes of someone else. They weren't looking at the speaker.

"Why are you doing this?" She recognized this voice. Vega.

"He's crazy." The person whom she was watching through spoke. Lilian recognized Zariyah's voice. She watched as the view shifted to Vega. She was cuffed.

"Stay here." The person she couldn't see spoke. Zariyah turned quickly. The action triggered the gunshot.

Lilian started, breathing in sharply. Nathan shot Zariyah?! She glanced at Henry and the look in her eyes changed. I need to tell him.. But.. What if he doesn't believe me? What if he thinks I'm crazy? He doesn't know what my life was like before this. In truth, she underestimated Henry's faith in her. She decided not to tell him, not yet. Nathan is his best friend! And maybe it was just someone who looked like him...

Henry and Lilian walked into the HQ. She looked anxious, on high alert. Henry noticed, but didn't say anything. They got on the stairs and made the climb up. Several agents joined them. Lilian was even more nervous now. Henry glanced at her. "What is the problem?" He asked her.

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