Chapter 5

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As the days dragged on, Henry didn't leave Lilian alone. He couldn't risk it. She barely stood in this time. But now it was time for the announcements. Henry walked out with Lilian beside him. It was a short walk, yet Lilian was limping before too long. He knew she would be too embarrassed and proud to let him carry her. He held the door for her, walking through after her. She sat down in the back. Henry sat next to her. The wide room was full of chairs, with a single microphone in the front. Half of the chairs were filled. A few minutes passed before the room was full. Nathan walked in and glanced at Henry. His friend didn't look at him, instead talking quietly to the girl beside him. He sighed and sat alone in the front. Shortly after, the announcer, who had a tall build with green eyes and blue hair she'd dyed for a mission, came in.

"Alright! You can shut up now." She spoke into the microphone.

"That's not much in our nature, Sharon." An unknown agent smirked. Regardless, the room became quiet.

"Partner announcements for the next two years. Jupiter and Teiran." She began. Jupiter fist-bumped his best friend. "Kabel and Heather.. Zariyah and Taylor.." The announcements carried on. Eventually, Sharon got to the two in the back. "Henry and Lilian." Nathan looked up sharply. What?! "Nathan and Ian." Nathan frowned slightly. Why didn't Henry file for me as his partner..?

Henry smirked at Lilian, who gazed back with no emotion. "Two years? You didn't tell me it was that long." She whispered.

He shrugged. "Time will fly. Don't worry about it." She looked doubtfully at him, then returned her attention to Sharon's voice, filing away the pairings in her head.

"And that's all. Mission assignments should be on your desks in the common room at this time. Please proceed in a timely manner to get them done so we can get you a new one." Sharon finished. She walked out, taking her files with her.

Nathan looked at Henry again, wondering what was going on between those two. He walked over to Ian, who was one of his close friends.

Henry stood, holding out his hand. He didn't expect Lilian to take it. Surprisingly, she did, using the resistance he provided to stand easier. In the sea of people, Henry could tell Lilian wasn't comfortable. His hand slid down her side, hovering on her waist. Lilian glanced back sharply, then let him lead her through the crowd and out into the halls. As soon as they were free of the agents, his hand went down to his side. "Our desk is over here." Henry walked over to his desk and glanced at the folder on it. Lilian sat down, staring at the paper. "Go ahead." He pulled up a chair and sat next to her. Lilian's nimble fingers quickly found the mission.

A week passed. Lilian and Henry had completed three missions already. Deemed capable, they were given a harder mission. One which most agents dreaded. Henry opened the paper. "Pyromaniac in Germany." He spoke. Lilian paled. "What?" He looked up.

"I'll tell you on the way there." She decided after a moment, walking away. I can't be taken off this mission because he worries about me. Henry frowned, confused.

On the plane, Henry pressed for answers. "What's your connection to this case?"

"I know the arsonist." Lilian replied shortly. Henry's sharp gaze was on her immediately.

"What?" She hesitated. "Lilian, we're partners. We share our information. You should've told me in New York, honestly."

"You would've taken me off the mission if you knew before." She responded. Lilian took a moment to formulate her other answer. This subject brought her immense pain. "His name is Horace Smith. I was in Germany for.. Something not related to him - and.." She hesitated. "I was caught in crossfire. Horace took me as hostage to save himself." Henry breathed in sharply. "It took... um, the police a month to find him." She avoided talking about what Horace did to her. Lillian put in her headphones, crossing her arms and closing her eyes.

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