Chapter 10

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Chaos had exploded. A fight broke out in respect to the kid they held hostage to keep the police at bay. For the most part, it worked. Until they let Lilian in. A match was thrown into a room with dynamite. Glasses were shattered, shouting hurt her ears. Lilian slid under a man just after he landed a punch on her, getting up and sprinting towards the kid. That's the only person she cared about here. The clock was ticking in her head - time seeming to slow down. She raced to the kid's side, picking up the child. He looked to be about two or three. Way too young for trauma like this. The shouting quieted to a dull thrum in her ears. She heard the hiss of fire curling up to a stick of dynamite. Heard glass shatter in slow motion. Using magic, Lilian raced out of the building mere seconds before the dynamite went off. Stupid, keeping dynamite in a room with criminals. She thought, sprinting to a safe location. The blast attracted the police's attention. Call after call was made, and many police cars were on their way. The blast had somewhat caught Lilian. She escaped with a single burn on her right arm. She held the boy in her left arm. He was hugging her neck tightly. Leaning against the wall, she held the kid close to her, sliding down and sitting. Her right arm she didn't use. Lilian eyed the damage. I got the kid and stopped the underground club. Mission accomplished. Perhaps it was more destructive than she originally wished, but she couldn't control that. The officers immediately set up a two-block perimeter, which got Lilian's location as well. Henry raced in. For a split second, he thought Lilian was dead. The kid is fine. Her voice in his head reassured him. Henry calmed his racing heart and joined the other officers in searching the rubble. Lilian noticed the kid had fainted. She sighed, getting as comfortable as she could against the wall. Tipping her head back, she closed her eyes. Lilian felt tired. It was weird that she was tired. It didn't occur to her that what she'd drinken there had been poisoned, or drugged. Lilian was out in a few minutes after giving up fighting her sleepiness.

Henry found her with Leo. "L-" Leo started. Henry shushed him quickly. "I'll take the kid." Leo offered quietly. Henry nodded, grateful. A black eye was forming due to her earlier punch.

Henry tried waking Lilian. There was nothing in her mind to grasp onto, so he couldn't order her to wake. He sighed and picked her up gently. He noticed her burned arm and carried her to his car after speaking to a police officer.

Henry pressed a wet cloth against the burn on her arm, cleaning up the injury. This time, she couldn't hide it from him. He was somewhat worried that she hadn't stirred. Wrapping her arm snugly, he put ice on it and sat down by her legs. Why hasn't she woken up yet? It's been an hour and a half.. He decided to go with his gut feeling and call a doctor. He stood and pulled out his phone, dialing someone. "Hey, Vega! It's Henry. I wanted to get an opinion..."

Vega was there the next morning. "Has she woken up yet?" She asked immediately as Henry opened his door. He stepped to the side, allowing her in. "Hi, by the way."

"Hi. No, she hasn't moved." Henry was worried, but he didn't show it. Lilian was on his couch, face pale. The Blitzkrieg doctor hurried to Lilian, kneeling beside her and examining her quickly. Henry went and made a cup of coffee for Vega while he waited.

"She's been poisoned." Vega said briefly. "You said she was working on a case. When was this?" There might be hope for her yet. If I use the wrong antidote though...

"A day ago." He answered, handing her the mug with the dark drink. "The building blew up. Lilian was outside with a kid. He's back with his mother, playing as usual, but Lilian wouldn't wake up. Her mind was... murky. I've never felt this before. I couldn't grasp onto anything or say anything." Henry sat down on a chair he pulled close.

"Good job with the burn, by the way." She started with the good news. "It should be fine in another day or two."

"Vega, what's wrong with her?" Henry leaned forward.

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