Chapter 2

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5210 BC.

"Wait up!" A year had passed since Tessa's reign had ended. Ara had joined Tessa's ranks. One thing bugged Tessa though. Although in their culture, chieftesses were queen, Ara did not defer to Tessa as a queen. It was a sore spot, which they argued often.

"Wait up!" The teen boy yelled again. "We found something! Come look at this!" Tessa's group looked somewhat curious as they followed him.

"Should we be following him?" Tessa wondered, glancing at her masked friend. Even after a year, Ara had still never shown herself without her mask on. Everything but her eyes were usually hidden.

"We have nothing else to do." Ara replied, with a nonchalant shrug. Over the time she had spent in Tessa's guard, suspicions grew. Ara wanted to eventually confirm what she thought was truth. Tessa agreed with her.

"I suppose not." Tessa had learned to value Ara's advice, even if they still were at odds over titles. She appeared to have some sixth sense that alerted her to danger, and her wisdom was beyond the average traveler.

Ara exhaled sharply. "I recognize this place." She murmured to herself, mask muffling her words. Tessa glanced at her, but didn't ask her to repeat. She learned also that Ara did not repeat herself. A single statue stood, a degrading picture of a kitsune. A tall man with a spear and long tail; fox ears rotated outward. Ara's eyes glittered, looking somewhat sad at the lack of care provided to this statue. She went and stood in front of the statue, observing it. Tessa's attention was grabbed by the teenage boys that brought them here.

"I've heard that where there's statues, there's arenas around - where the ancients fought for leadership."

Tessa looked around. "I heard that too." Tessa's warriors spread out, and Ara walked over to Tessa. "I heard queens are born here." She stated, testing her.

Ara shrugged. "I call no one queen. For there is none worthy of being called a queen that is human."

Tessa frowned for the thirty-third time that day. "No one is worthy?" She repeated. Ara simply stared at her, not going to repeat herself.

Ara's gaze flickered up, hand flying to the hilt of her sword. Tessa grew alert immediately. Ara's senses were superb. The ground split abruptly, dropping every person in the vicinity down two hundred feet. Tessa's group of ten landed in water, along with the teenage boys. Tessa and Ara were plummeting straight for solid ground. Ara did several flips, enjoying the sensation of falling. Right before they hit the ground, Ara finished her flip, landing solidly in a crouching position with her knee hovering above the ground, as she never bowed. The ground shook, seeming to ripple for one moment. Tessa's landing added to the ripple. Ara watched her land, and how the ground reacted to her landing. Everything about this trip contributed to her suspicions. Ara stood, inhaling sharply.

They stood in the center of a massive arena. Beautifully carved designs were engraved into the sandstone. Down here, everything had been preserved. There were rows of seats for spectators on the far right and left. Looking straight across the clearing, you saw two statues of kitsune, fighting each other. Frozen in time..

The teenagers were ecstatic. In no time at all, they had set up a fight between the males and females.

Ara and Tessa stood together. "I am a queen." Tessa stated firmly, watching the fighting. This place caused her to want to defend her title. Before Ara could respond, the boys had pulled them further in and set them up against each other. Tessa's anger kindled upon seeing the disdain in Ara's eyes, drawing her spear. Ara shifted, determined to push Tessa over the edge. Everyone gathered to watch. Tessa lunged, flicking her spear from left to right. Ara blocked, twisting her wrist and disarming Tessa. Her weapon flew a few yards away. She sidestepped her lunge, and watched Tessa impassively. Abruptly, Ara raised her sword, intent on killing. Tessa's hand opened, her spear flying back to her, leaving a gap to block her stroke. Ara smiled, comfortably hidden behind her mask. I knew it, she thought. Tessa seemed very intent on getting her to reveal who she was as well. The brunette kicked up, sending Ara flying. She twisted gracefully, landing on her feet and running forward, slashing at Tessa. Their choices of weapons locked.

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