Chapter 13

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Henry was sleeping on the couch when Lilian walked into the room. She stood a distance away, watching him silently. He's Prince Amir, and I had no idea. Ex-king Aldrich told him to kill anyone named Ara, yet he's disregarding that order.. Or is he? He could just be trying to get in my head, and then kill me later.. Her eyes shimmered lightly. No. Henry promised he wouldn't hurt me. Would Amir, though? Henry stirred, and Lilian quietly fled into the kitchen.

She felt better, but it still hurt if she moved quickly. Ravyn will regret hurting him. Lilian didn't care that Ravyn had stabbed her - in the heat of a battle, anything could happen. More than anything, she was mad she hadn't avoided that whole situation. It'd kept her up for the past two days - a lack of sleep was obvious with the dark circles under her eyes. Henry and her had avoided each other to process. Lilian had figured it out - Cartier provided his loyalty to me one more time. He clearly wasn't happy when Ravyn stabbed me - and he brought Henry with him, which means he cares about what I care about. He's trying to make amends.

Jezzy stayed out of the main fight, which means she's still hesitant. Brandon and Ezra are still fighting over Ravyn - which is quite stupid.

Brandon is on Ravyn's side. He made it possible for her to stab me - which isn't fair. Mind your own fight, Brandon!

Ezra still has beef with Cartier, which will keep him off my back for a while.

Ravyn's never been good at blocking her mind. Hickory helped her.

Lilian put cheese on two pieces of crackers, like a mini sandwich. She nibbled on it, staring out of the kitchen window. Once she finished her small sandwich, Lilian made another and returned to the window, thinking without eating. She breathed in sharply when she felt a hand curling around her waist, a chin set on her shoulder. "If you're not going to eat that, can I have it?" Henry's soft voice rang in her head. Lilian twisted, ducking under his head. She turned in his arms and handed him the crackers. He started eating it, keeping her against the wall. "Whatcha thinkin' about?" He kept his voice gentle.

"Lots of things." Lilian looked up at him, head tilted back. His hair was tussled, a pillow mark on his face. "You look adorable." She flashed a million-dollar smile at him.

"So do you." Henry's response was quick and genuine. Lilian's hair was wavy, falling over her shoulder. "Want to talk about it?"

"There'd be too many things to talk about. Most of it is nonsense." She smiled again when Henry looked concerned. "It's fine, I can manage. What about you?"

He let her answer slide. "Just thinking about you and your group, really." Lilian freed herself and made another cheese and cracker sandwich. "If you're hungry, we can go get something to eat." He offered, turning to face her. He finished the food Lilian gave him.

"No, I'm f-"

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her with him despite her statement. "Where do you want to go?" He used magic to change his clothes and appearance to look more put-together. Lilian did the same, hair tethering together in two strands behind her head.

"Uhm-" He pulled her out of his house and let her into his car. "Uhm."

"Chick-fi-la it is." Henry decided for her and started driving.

"Henry, you don't h-" Lilian protested softly as he sat beside her at a table. Henry shushed her with a finger over her mouth.

"Will you stop with that whole 'you don't have to!' thing? Good grief, Lilian. I want to." Henry rolled his eyes with a little sigh. She fell silent obediently, looking down at the table. When what they ordered was ready, Henry got up and retrieved the tray.

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