Meet the (Crazy but Awesome) Team Part 3

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Here we go! Part 3! If you still haven't already figured out who the mercenary I was referring to in the previous chapter was, then look at the meme above. That's your answer. Azur Lane might need more than a few minutes break.


A few minutes had passed after Azur Lane just got done reacting to Soldier. They still can't get over what they saw.

Me: It's about to get even worse for them.

3rd POV

The girls were all chilling at the lounge, talking to each other.

Enterprise: How you guys doing?

Nagato:  私は....今は元気です。尋ねていただきありがとうございます (I'm fine now. Thank you for asking)

Bismarck: Bei der nächsten habe ich ein schlechtes Gefühl. (I have a bad feeling about the next one.)

Eugen's mind: Wenn meine Schwestern hier wären, hätten sie solche Angst. (If my sisters were here, they would be so scared.)

Kirov: Напоминает ГУЛАГ... (Reminds me of the Gulag...)

Belfast: Her Majesty is still frightened by what she saw but she's calmed down. As for me, I'm better now.

Me: Forgive me for what I'm about to do to them. I also speak on behalf of  Voice as well.

Voice suddenly interrupts them.

Voice: Hey guys. Are you guys ok now? Shall we continue?

Enterprise: Yes, we're fine now.

Voice: Alright then. In that case, please return to the 'reaction room'.

The girls then head back to the room.

Timeskip brought to you by Chad Dr Livesey telling you that the words 'sleep' and 'exhaustion' should mean the same thing to you.

In the 'reaction room'

Voice: Alright, get comfy, girls. The video is about to start.

Bismarck's POV

'Ich frage mich, wie es unserer Welt geht ...' ('I wonder how our world is doing...')

Meanwhile, back at Azur lane, Iron Blood HQ

A white-haired girl holding a flag that looks similarly to Bismarck's can be seen sitting on a throne. She has her face buried in her hands, almost like she gave up on something. A bunch of little ship girls could be seen running around like unsupervised children.

The white-haired girl whispers to herself.

???: Wo bist du, Schwester? Ich kann diese Gören nicht wie dich kontrollieren. (Where are you sister? I can't control these brats like you.)

All of a sudden, she feels something. An aura of intimidation. An aura that spells death. The little ship girls also suddenly stopped running around. In fact, they just stood there.

???'s mind: Was ist diese Aura, die ich fühle? (What is this aura I'm feeling?)

???'s mind: Warte ... es kann nicht sein ... es ist sie ... (Wait... it can't be... it's her...)

A voice suddenly spoke up behind the girl.

???: Es scheint, dass du einige Probleme hast, mein Kind ( It seems that you have some problems, my child)

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