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Sorry. No meme this time since this is the epilogue. I just felt like it doesn't need one.

3rd POV (Jesus I've used this way too many times in this chapter, haven't I?)

After the white light had vanished, the girls were all still knocked out during their trip home. A few minutes had gone by before one of the girls woke up. It was Belfast.

Belfast: Ugh.. my head. Where am I?

Belfast slowly looked around to assess her surroundings. It didn't take her long until she realized where she is.

Belfast: I see we have returned back to our world. Home sweet home.

Belfast looks over to see the rest of the girls still asleep on the cold hard floor.

Just then, the sound of doors could be heard opening.

???: Belfast, may I help you in.... Um, what happened here?

Belfast looks over to the unknown voice.

Belfast: Nothing. Nothing happened. They were just tired after our.... meeting. That's all.

???: I see. Do you need help carrying them on to the couches?

Belfast: Yes, that would be wonderful, Dido.

Me: Dido finally got the attention she wanted, even if it's just a cameo.

A few minutes later...

Enterprise: Ugh... my head.... Huh?

Enterprise looks up to see Belfast looking down at her.

Belfast: I see that you are awake.

Enterprise: Yes, I am. I guess that voice didn't lie to us after all. He really did bring us back.

Belfast: Yes, he has.

Enterprise: Are the others awake yet?

Belfast: See for yourself.

Enterprise looked over to see the rest of them had already woken up. They were all sitting at a coffee table drinking.

 Belfast: By the way, it seems that we have a parting gift given by our disembodied friend.

Enterprise tilts her head a little in confusion. Belfast then points over to somewhere in the room. Enterprise followed Belfast's finger to see what she's pointing at. She then sees a strange machine backed up against a wall.

Enterprise: What... is that?

Belfast: Our gift. And this, came with it.

Belfast hands out a note to Enterprise.

Belfast: You may read it for yourself.


Dear Azur Lane,

Hello, it's me, Voice. I just wanted to thank you guys for the time we spent together, even though I forced you guys to do it. I still enjoyed it regardless. Before you all left, I've sent a gift that may help you guys in your battles. Remember about the various Buildings that Engineer can build? Well, I gave you one of them. The Dispenser. Use it wisely and take good care of it. 

I don't know when we'll be able to see each other again but if we do, I promise you that you'll watch even more interesting videos other than people killing each other. That's all I have to say. Good bye and take care, Azur Lane!

Yours truly,


Enterprise: You wanna know something, Belfast? I kinda miss him.

Belfast: Same.

Enterprise: Oh yeah, what about the meeting we were supposed to start before we were... kidnapped?

Belfast: The others have agreed to reschedule it for next time when they are free.

Enterprise: I don't blame them. After all the things we've seen, we deserved a break from it. I still can't get Pyro out of my head.

Belfast: Me too. I'm afraid he'll be sticking around with us in our minds for a while.

Enterprise: Well, in the meantime, let's just go join the others now.

Enterprise and Belfast then headed over to join the rest of the ship girls.

End of story.

Hey guys. That's the epilogue done. I don't know if you can consider this a bit anticlimactic but I tried my best to come up with an ending. Thank you all for reading this book and have a great day wherever you are!

P.S Oh and I almost forgot about the decision on what to get them to react to next. 

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