Meet the (Crazy but Awesome) Team Part 5

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Here we go! Time for Heavy to shine like a pretty princess! To enhance the experience, listen to the Soviet Anthem while reading this :)

Voice: Ready, everyone?

The girls nodded.

Video begins

The video starts with the title seen in the previous 3. The words 'Meet the Heavy' can be seen in a big font size. The video then cuts to someone walking towards an upside-down box, holding a large machine gun in their hands. They then place the weapon down onto the box, crushing it. The person then sits down in a chair to reveal the man of the hour, Heavy Weapons Guy. He then speaks.

[V] Heavy: (while looking into camera) I am Heavy weapons Guy. And this, (places hand on handle) is my weapon.

Eugen: Es ist massiv (It's massive)

Me: That's what she said.

[V] Heavy: (places both hands on weapon) She weighs 150 kilograms and fires $200 custom tool cartridges at 10 thousand rounds per minute.

Heavy stops for a moment and looks into the camera

[V] Heavy: It costs $400,000 thousand dollars to fire this weapon... for twelve seconds.

Q.E: Damn. He must be pretty rich if he can afford to fire those bullets all his life.

Enterprise: If only he was real, he could've donated to us and help us with our funding.

Kirov: Он только жертвует Родине (He only donates to the Motherland)

Heavy then laughs out loud.

The scene then cuts back to Heavy with his gun.

[V] Heavy: (while rotating the gun) Oh my god! Who touched Sasha?

Everyone's mind: He named his weapon Sasha?

[V] Heavy: (visibly angry) Alright... WHO TOUCHED MY GUN!?

The video then cuts to a close-up shot of Heavy's face.

[V] Heavy: Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe... (sniffs) maybe... (leans in) I've yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet.

Kirov: Никто не может перехитрить русского.Потому что в России-матушке вы перехитрите людей. (No one can outsmart a Russian. Because in Mother Russia you outsmart people)

The scene then cuts to Heavy shooting at something off screen


The camera then pans over Heavy's shoulder to show Heavy gunning down the blue team in quick succession

Screen cuts to black but Heavy can be heard talking one last time

[V] Heavy: Heheh. Cry some more.

Ending plays. This time, zooming away from Heavy's face

Voice: And that was Heavy Weapons Guy. What do you guys think?

Belfast: I think we can hang out with him as long as we don't touch his 'Sasha'.

Enterprise: He seems to be more level-headed than the previous ones. I'd say Scout would be in second place.

Kirov: Было приятно увидеть еще одного русского (It was nice to see another Russian)

Voice: Fun fact about Heavy. He has a Phd in Russian literature. That means he's actually smarter than what he lets on.

Nagato: だから彼もとても賢いです (so he is very smart)

Bismarck's mind: Ich frage mich, ob es auch Deutsche gibt? (I wonder if there are also Germans?)

Me: Just wait until you get to Medic.

Voice: Alright. There's one more person for you guys to watch. Then, I'll give you guys a short break. Sounds good?

The girls nodded.

Voice: Great. Then, let's not waste any more time and get to the next mercenary

To be continued...

Hey, it's me. I didn't expect that I would finish Heavy's chapter that quick. Probably because there wasn't too much action or chaos happening on screen or too many scene flips and it's just Heavy (properly) introducing himself and his weapon. And chaos only happens near the end where Heavy was gunning down the BLU team for about 12 seconds. Anyways, I'm happy that I finished Heavy's chapter because I-er, WE get to move on to the next one, the Engineer! (Engineer Gaming!) See you all then!

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