Meet the (Crazy but Awesome) Team Part 7

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Guten Tag mein friends! It's the moment you've all been waiting for! (Maybe) Time for Medic to experiment on you all...


3rd POV

The girls were all chatting amongst each other, discussing about their current experience in this place as well as the interesting cast of characters.

Q.E: Alright. For each mercenary we've seen so far, on a scale of 1 to 5, from liked the least to liked the most, what would you give them? Let's start with Scout.

Q.E: Personally, I don't like Scout's attitude. He sees himself as some tough guy and is very cocky about it. A '1' for me.

Belfast: I agree, Your Majesty. He calls himself a 'big deal' which is supposed to be threatening? A solid 1 as well.

Kirov: он довольно забавный (He's pretty funny)

Kirov: может 3 (maybe 3)

Bismarck: Zustimmen (Agree)

Eugen: Dieselbe Antwort wie mein Kommandant (Same answer as my commander)

Nagato: 二 (Two)

Enterprise: I'll give him a 2 just because of his disrespect at the end of his video.

The girls continued rating the other 5 mercs (excluding Medic, Sniper and Spy).

Note: I was gonna write the results of the others but it'll be too long. I'll leave that for the end when they're done reacting to all of them. Edit: Oops. Looks like I forgot lol.

Voice then appears.

Voice: Done with your break, guys? Cuz we're about to start.

Belfast: Yes, we're done.

Voice: Great! Now let's head back to the room.

Time skip brought to you by Ina bonking you with her crowbar for being horny today

When everyone has seated...

Voice: Alright, let's begin with Medic. And like I said before, he's German. I'm sure Biscuit and Eugen didn't forget about that, did they?

Bismarck and Eugen shook their heads.

Voice: Alright. Start video.

The video starts with the sound of birds chirping and a beautiful background before explosions can be heard

Q.E: Wooooow. Way to kill the mood, idiots.

Scout and Demoman can be seen running over a rocky hill. Demoman looked like he was in a wheelchair

[V] Scout: Move, Cyclops. Move!

Enterprise'mind: Is that how he calls his teammate? Cyclops? Because he has one eye?

The scene then changes to Scout and Demoman running for their lives before a rocket comes out of nowhere and hits Scout, launching him to the side

[V] Scout: Come on, come on, almost - aaahh!

Scout grunts in pain

[V]: Scout: (in pain) Uhh, awww.

Suddenly, a bunch of missiles can be seen coming for Scout

Everyone's mind: He's dead

[V] Scout: (looks up in horror) Woah, who the?

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