Meet the (Crazy but Awesome) Team Part 4

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It's time for our favorite drunk Scottish cyclops aka Demoman to shine! As promised, there will be more reactions in this one compared to Pyro's chapter. Enjoy!

3rd POV

Break Room

The girls were still recovering from the trauma Pyro gave in the previous chapter. Never have they seen someone THIS brutal, scary and destructive in their lives. It made them think what would happen if Pyro found themselves in their world. The answer? Chaos ensues. Buildings burning up, kansens running around, screaming for help. Thankfully for them, Pyro doesn't exist. They're just a video game character.

A few hours had gone by since they've finished watching the video.

The girls had a conversation with each other.

Enterprise: Now I understand what this 'thing' the guys were referring to. That pyromaniac...

Belfast: Indeed. Although they're on the same team, the other red guys fear him just as much as those poor blue guys.

Q.E: That thing should be administered into a mental asylum because he is DEFINITELY out of his f*cking mind!

Bismarck's mind: Warum würden Sie eine psychisch kranke Person einstellen? (Why would you hire a mentally ill person?)

Eugen: Ich kann mir das Chaos nicht vorstellen, das passieren würde, wenn er in unserer Welt wäre (I can't imagine the chaos that would happen if he were in our world)

Kirov: теперь у меня новый страх (Now I have a new fear)

Enterprise: Pyrophobia?

Kirov: Да (Yes)

Nagato still didn't say anything. The name Pyro will forever haunt her mind.

Suddenly, Voice speaks up.

Voice: Hey, you girls ok now?

Q.E: I hate you so much for showing us that. Are you TRYING to give us nightmares!?

Enterprise: I agree with Her Majesty. The f*ck is wrong with you?

Voice: Look, I'm very sorry regarding that video. But I promise you, the rest of the videos will be more light-hearted.

Bismarck: Du solltest uns besser nicht anlügen, sonst... (You better not lie to us, or else...)

Kirov: Вы получите одну бесплатную поездку в ГУЛАГ (You will receive one free trip to the Gulag)

Voice: I understand and I swear on my non-existent life.

Voice: Anyways, shall we continue?

Enterprise: Fine...

They head back to the reaction room.

Time skip brought to you by Armstong and Jack making the mother of all omelettes together.

Voice: This time, you'll be reacting to the Demoman.

Q.E: Demoman? Oh god, I already don't like the name.

Voice: I promise you, his name may sound scary but he's a funny guy.

Belfast: We'll be the judge of that one.

Video starts

The title card with the words 'Meet the Demoman' in a big font size appears on screen, accompanied by the usual catchy tune. The scene then changes to a corridor exploding with someone running through the explosions like some sort of daredevil. The figure then jumps out of the corridor to show the star of the video (and this chapter), Demoman.

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