Meet the (Crazy but Awesome) Team Part 6

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I got nothing to say so let's just jump right into the chapter.

Voice: Alright! Let's begin.

Belfast: Wait!

Voice: What is it, Belfast?

Belfast: You see...

Q.E: We wanna know what the Engineer is like so we can mentally prepare ourselves unlike with Pyro.

Q.E's mind: That name still haunts me... (shivers)

Voice: Well, this'll ruin the surprise but oh well, you are the Queen, after all. Ok. So, the Engineer is a soft-spoken, amiable Texan from Bee Cave, Texas, USA , with an interest in all mechanical things. He specializes in constructing and maintaining Buildings that provide support to his team, rather than fighting at the front lines.

Enterprise: Buildings?

Voice: You'll see one of them later in this video.

Enterprise: Alright.

Bismarck: Also würde er lieber hinten bleiben, anstatt auf dem Schlachtfeld zu kämpfen? (So he would rather stay behind rather than fight on the battlefield?)

Voice: As a supporter, yes. He can also place down Dispensers that can heal or resupply ammo to his team if they're low on either one as well as Teleporters that allow his team to fast travel from Point A to Point B in a jiff.

Kirov: Могут ли его диспенсеры наполнить водку? (Can his dispensers fill vodka?)

Voice: Maybe? It seems that it's only limited to giving health and ammo to his team, not drinks.

Kirov: Ну, это позор (Well it's a shame)

Q.E: He actually sounds pretty useful. It would be nice if we could hire him. His Dispensers and Teleporters can REALLY come in handy when the going gets tough.

Voice: Exactly. Now that you all know what Engie is like, can we start now?

Eugen: Ja. Wir fühlen uns jetzt wohler. (Yes. We're more comfortable now.)

Voice: Very well. Let's begin.

Video starts

The scene opens up with the usual title card with the words 'Meet the Engineer', followed by a guitar playing. The scene then shows a man wearing a yellow hard hat, overalls and goggles playing a guitar

Enterprise: So, that's Engineer, huh?

Voice: Yup.

Engineer then speaks

[V] Engineer: Hey look, buddy. I'm an Engineer. That means I solve problems.

A bullet then barely misses Engineer's right shoulder. He looks at it but shrugs it off afterwards.

Q.E: Did he really ignore the fact that he almost got shot?

[V] Engineer: Not problems like 'What is beauty?' Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.

Two more bullets then gets shot and barely misses his left shoulder. Yet, he still shrugs it off.

Bismarck: Wie kann er ruhig bleiben, wenn auf ihn geschossen wird? (How can he keep calm when he's being shot at?)

[V] Engineer: I solve practical problems.

The scene then changes again. Something mechanical can be heard shooting at something offscreen, followed by a scream. Then, a counter next to Engineer that had the numbers '209' turns into '210'. Engineer then takes a sip from a bottle

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