Chapter 16

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The sun was setting and i am riding on my Cavaliere as i saw some people up ahead. It was Naomi and her party, and some kinghts.

Y/N: I got a bad feeling about this.

I stop and got off my Cavaliere as i saw Melty confront Naomi. I then a kinght run towards Melty, about to attack her. I teleport in front of him and kicked him in the gut, causing him to fly back.

Y/N: Jeez, does it take this many kinghts just to kill a kid? What the hell is wrong with you?!

Kinght 1: What the?!

Naomi: Y/N?

Y/N: Naomi, get Melty out of here because they are going to try to frame you of kidnapping Melty and we don't want that.

Raphtalia: They'll end up framing you as well.

Y/N: I'm fine with that. Just get out of here! Love you Naomi.

Naomi: Love you too Y/N.

Naomi and the others began getting out of here and the kinghts all stood ready to attack me.

Y/N: Let me guess, Myne was the one behind this as well?

Kinght 2: You'll pay for getting in the way!

Kinght 3: They are escaping with the princess!

Y/N: Oh please, you were just trying to kill Melty.

Kinght 1: For supporting the devil of the shield, you will die here you fault hero!

The two kinght charge at me, ready to attack me but i pull out my Ebony and Irovy pistols and shoot the two kinghts right in their kneecaps causing the two to fall down and screaming in agony.

The last kinght tried to run away from me, key word "tried", but i teleport right in front of him and grab him by the throat.

Y/N: What is The Church of the Three Heroes? And what else are they planning?

Kinght 3: You ain't gonna kill me. You ain't gonna kill me!

I pointed my Ivory pistol at Kinght 3's skull.

Y/N: Do i look like Naomi Iwatani to you? Rethink your answer before i fill you up with lead.

Kinght 3: Okay. Okay. Stop! The Three Heroes Church is a religion which originated from the pious sect of the Four Holy Heroes. The edicts of these sacrosanct's preaches that the Shield Hero is a devil bent on destroying the world, while the other three Heroes are viewed upon as Holy Gods! Not only that, The replica of the Legendary Weapons was a unique item forged long ago in an attempt to rival the legendary weapons. It was said to have been lost by the church but the truth is that the High Priest of Melromarc has the replica!

Y/N: Does this high priest got a name?

Kinght 3: Biscas T. Balmus!

Come to think of it, i seen him before during me and Naomi fight against Motiyasi and Rin.

Y/N: Appreciate that.

I threw Kinght 3 to the ground and shoot him right in his skull, leaving him dead as run towards Naomi's trail.

No One POV

Naomi, Raphtalia, Filo and Melty are trying to make way onto the side of a mountain. But as they were about to take another step, they noticed that the kinghts were patrolling.

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