Chapter 15

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After Emily returns to her room, her younger sister Rebbeca is in her room talking on the phone. "What the hell Jen! You can be serious." " I am Bex." Rebbeca argued with her girlfriend Jennifer. " Why on earth do you want to break up with me?" " Your family is super irritating." "I know that." " But I can't take it anymore, Rebbeca. They drive me insane !" " So you're breaking up with me because my stupid family is bloody insane!" "Yes!" "What the hell Jenifer!" " What do you mean what the hell Rebbeca, there's nothing to it. We are done Rebbeca Hawthrone." " Yes, we are Jenifer Moore. And by the way Jen don't ever call me bex again!" " Deal. And don't call me Jen ever again!" "Deal!" And then Rebbeca disconnected the phone after just breaking up with her girlfriend of two and a half years, Jenifer Moore. After she sobbed for about a couple of hours, she went to check on her brother Grayson on her way to the kitchen to grab some chocolate. As she walked into her bro's room and he was sketiving Rebbeca's older twin siblings Thea and Nash looking at each other with a mischievous look like they were just about to prank someone without the actual models in front of him. So she let him be and walked out of the art studio and made her way to the kitchen to retrieve some delicious dark chocolate that was calling out to her. Once she finally made it to the kitchen saw her mother drinking a cup of tea. "Hi mum." But Bex didn't get a reply. " Mum?" She tried again and this time she got an answer that was rude. " What the hell do you want, child." Selene responded, "Just some chocolate mum. Are you okay?" Rebbeca asked kindly but got a rude reply. " I'm fine Bex! Really, just get the hell out of here. And leave me alone, I'm not in the mood for whatever you're dealing with. Now go." Selene told her and she left on her way back to her room. Rebbeca heard her brother Jameson singing my shot from Hamilton the musical. " I'm not throwing away my shot. I'm not throwing away my shot. Hey I'm just like my country young,scraping, and hungry but I'm not throwing away my shot." She smiled knowing her brother was singing his favorite song and he was just chilling. So Rebbeca continued her walk to her room when she passed the dance studio where the twins practiced daily. She heard some crying so she slowly approached the studio and walked in as quietly as a mouse. And saw the twins crying so she decided to speak up to attempt to calm down her older siblings. " You guys okay? Why are you crying , especially you Thea?" She asked softly and the twins replied " Thea's adopted,Bex!" Nash said and Thea said " Please don't be mad Bex." And Rebbeca froze to process the information. Her older sister Thea was adopted but she wasn't mad at all; she was just shocked." " One I can't believe your adopted T and second I'm not mad at all I'm just full of shock that's all." Rebbeca said to the twins then came up with an idea but first she offered the twins some chocolate. " Chocolate?" She asked. "Yes please." They said and she gave them each one piece of chocolate, then told them her idea. "Why don't we call a sibling meeting?" She proposed to them. "Do you want to tell the others?" Nash asks Thea. "Because Bex already knows, and it's just a matter of time till the others find out then mom and dad will, and then how on earth are we going to explain this to mum and dad." He then explains to her and after about two to three minutes Thea agrees to tell her other siblings so they can figure out how on earth she managed to find the certificate and explain how hurt she is and why her parents didn't tell her when they had a chance. Once Thea respectfully let's Rebbeca and Nash know, she's ready to let the others also know, Rebbeca sends a signal to her other siblings including Xander and waits for them to walk more like run into the studio, because whenever the siblings signal the others (not her parents of course) rush to the place where the signal came from. Once all the other siblings were there Rebbeca offered the others some chocolate." Chocolate." "Yes please." All of them responded and she gave all her siblings chocolate, included some more to the twins then took a piece for herself and they sat down. After everyone finished their piece of chocolate she finally told the others why they were assembled for this meeting." Guys." Rebbeca starts." Yeah Bex, go on, we're listening." They said, with a nod from Thea she dropped the bomb. " Thea's adopted!" and the others just sat there frozen in shock. Not knowing what to do or how to help their older sister get through this, so they sat there in shock wondering what to do.

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