Chapter 19

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Back at the Hawthorne mansion everyone but Xander was freaking out. " How did we lose?" Yelled Selene and the others went completely silent but James. " Your mother is right, how did we lose?" James said. Then Avery said " Alexander danced with Clara Pointless Mccoy!" And everyone but Xander and Avery gasped with shock, anger , and Betrayal. How could he? They thought. And Xander says " you lot are pretty irritating except about four of you and I'm not naming names because you know who you are and if you excuse me. I have a date with Clara Elizabeth Mccoy not Clara Pointless Mccoy. " Everybody was shocked they had no clue that Xander would betray them like that but Selene and James had no idea that in fact all the kids turned their backs on them when they found out about Thea and decided to support her instead of them. " WHAT!" They all said but Xander had already left and everyone started bickering until it was just Selene and James arguing with each other. 

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