Chapter Four

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Gabriella's P.O.V

A week passed by since the whole party accident. Everyone is still pissed off about it especially Vince whenever he sees that kid during school, he has to leave before he could do anything to him. It's nice to see he cares a lot but I don't want my brother to go to jail for some scum bag.

" how's it going?" Emma asked standing beside my locker. I shrugged stuffing the calculus books inside.

" it;s weird though, no girl in the past week has gone up to me, he hasn't fucked anyone yet" I whisper in amazement. She grins, giving me thumbs up.

" it's working! , just 2 more dates some more talking and he's head over heels in love" She whisper shouts, shutting her own locker. I smile, happy that the plan is actually working in our favor. We begin walking towards the field where the guys were practicing since they were the ones who drove us this morning.

I sit down on the first bleacher, looking out at the field. They're doing drills, passing the ball to one another. Hunter turns around for a second to wink at me. I smile blowing him a kiss.

" so what happened between you and Vince during the party? sorry it's so late"

" oh umm nothing, "

" Em, your my best friend, just tell me please"

" not here, maybe tonight when were in your house or something alright? just no now please"

" yeah sure" I tell her realizing how upset she looks. I lean in to her, giving her a short hug. Her arms wrap around my shoulders.

" wanna go and play? I mean the coach won't mind" She stands up, walking off the bench. I sigh but follow her further down the field and to the guys. They were all standing around talking about soccer stuff. Vince was the first to look at us , smiling.

" can we play with you pretty please?" Emma bats her eyelashes starring at Vince since he's the co-captain along with Hunter. He stands there for a few seconds before finally nodding his head.

" go easy on us, I'm horrible at this" I tell the guys. They each divide into teams, blue and red. Me,Emma, and other guys are on blue. Meanwhile Hunter and Vince are on the red team. Of course they're gonna win but still.

" alright , guys be gentle with the ladies, " Hunter smirked looking at the guys. They all nodded their heads and we went our seperate ways. I stood in a circle with my team and smiled.

" listen me and Emma are great at soccer so don't worry, but the first half just let us be bad and then we'll whoop tehir ass, I know how my brother is" I whisper as my team ,claps.

" your a devious one" Mike laughed, going with me. We all started with Mike as the goal keeper. Atleast we got him, he was really good.

The whistle blew and we began running around the ball. Hunter was kicking it  towards Vince as the dynamic duo. I groaned running towards Hunter. He shook his head and passed it towards Vince before I could do something.

Five minutes later I was running with the ball and on my way to the net when two arms circled around my waist. I screamed fighting him off. Hunter laughed watching as one of his team mates ran over and got the ball.

" you jerk thats cheating" I shouted scowling at him. He shrugged and ran the other way. I looked over at the coach and immediately glared. He blew his whistle and stopped the game.

" a point for Gabriella's team, Hunter do not flirt with the girls on field" He shouted , as I walked past Hunter with a sway in my hips.

Halfway through the game, Hunter's team was winning. But we were ready for battle. Emma and I were ready to kick their butts. The whistle blew once more and I ran with the ball passed everyone , kicking it straight into the net. I cheered running over to Emma and hugging her.

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