Chapter 20: Oneirophobia

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Every night it's a different dream, some depict a battle or dangerous situations, while the other half is complete nonsense. Nille lies on her bed staring at the wall beside her, hesitant to sleep since her dreams have become erratic. Her thoughts fair the same way, "what if they mean something, what if they are nothing, what if..." her mind races. Ovi and qualm are still in there beds. The elders of the village would dissect dreams and tell there meaning, but never had her dreams been like these, so vibrant.
        Maybe she should ask for help, if the dreams are omens or something, somebody should know. Mulling it over, Nille hears a creak behind her from the middle of the room. She sits up and turns to the noise. Qualm, walking towards Nille's bed, freezes. "I thought you would be asleep by now" he continues over to Nille and sits on the edge of the bed. "I was going to wait till Ovi wasn't awake to talk to you" " talk to me" Nille questions "about what."
         Qualm twiddles his thumbs and looks down "about the last couple of weeks, we got separated from the rest of the village, lost our home, lost... tugs." He glances away "all of it happened so fast, it's a lot to take in" Nille, staring at qualm, her face, cold and stern "I know I've been acting weird recently, but it's not because of tugs" she lets out a sigh. "So what is it" qualm in a more serious tone " why is it every day, you look like there's something wrong, like the world is crashing down you" Nille is surprised by the sudden outburst "I..." she stops. The thoughts in her head are puncturing her brain every second. Why wouldn't she tell qualm, she known him for all her life. As Nille opens her mouth to speak the door swings open.

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