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"Nadia!" Chapter Twenty Five: The Devil Went Down to Georgia

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Chapter Twenty Five: The Devil Went Down to Georgia.
2x21: There's My Girl

Nadia was dead, Yates kidnapped her and took her all the way back to New York, where he raped her and dumped her body into a beach in a trash bag. Becklean and Erin loved Nadia, they had always been the kinda people who took someone out when they were feeling a bit low.

Or who danced it out when they were feeling sad and didn't want to leave, Becklean always wanted a little sister. Her oldest was a mess and she and Erin were the same age even though Erin liked to say she was the oldest cause her birthday was a few months before Becklean's. She loved talking with Nadia and taking her out places, sometimes she would randomly pop by her place and take her shopping or stock her fridge.

But when they found her body like that, discarded like trash, left for dead in the cold, Becklean hated herself, she hated that she wants there, that she couldt protect Nadia, she couldn't help but think that maybe she would be here laughing right now that they would be sharing a poptart and teasing Rusek.

It had been a little over a month or two since she passed and she was still going through the motions, her therapist said to deal with grief she had to admit it happened face it head on and by going to work and being there, that was how she could start.

Becklean watches as all the men in the office are clearing Nadia's Desk, Antonio rubs her back, as Erin enters.


" Yeah. We're all feelin' it."

"Girl was going places, man." Kevin comments as Becklean just sniffles, she was trying her best not to cry.

" Hey. Go grab some coffee. We got this." Jay instructs Erin who looks at her sister, she was a mess but she was talking, saying her feelings which was a lot for Becklean, it was new, but Nadia always told her that talking about how you felt didn't make you weak it made you strong and it also helped.

" It's just a desk, right?" Erin comments as Becklean just rolls her eyes her sister was being stubborn and it was pissing her off they had gotten into so many arguments since Nadia died. Jay sends and looks at Becklean before she nods and Antonio rubs her shoulders.

Chicago Blues (Jay Halstead)Where stories live. Discover now