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"Bad Idea" Chapter Seven: I'm Always Here 3x09: Never Forget I Love You

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"Bad Idea"
Chapter Seven: I'm Always Here
3x09: Never Forget I Love You

*Trigger warning*

Becklean had gotten called into work, which wasn't anything new, the circumstances well that's a little suspect. A head washed up on the bank of the river where some rich fucks were boating. They found the other half of the body just a few miles from where the head was found. Now Becklean was on her way to find out the cause of death, she pushed open the door to autopsy, her coat draped over one arm while her other propped the door open for her partner. She was still slowly trying to forgive Erin so it was just her and Jay for a while. And she didn't mind it, Jay didn't betray her.

"Good news. Both head and body belong to the same person." Marg the M.E. says as Jay furrows his brows,

"Was there any doubt?"

She shrugs. "The pieces they pull from the Chicago River, you never know." she pulls back the sheet covering the body. "She was early 20s. And water decomps are tough to pinpoint."

Jay winces as Becklean keeps her stoic demeanor. "Ballpark time of death?" she asks blonde hair falling in her face a bit.

"Best guess, your victim died a week ago from strangulation as indicated by the fractured hyoid in the victim's neck."

"These holes aren't gun wounds." Jay points to the holes on the victim's neck

"You're right. They were made by a power drill. Whoever killed this girl knew what they were doing They drilled holes so the body would sink."

Jay sighs as Becklean nods. "Just get us something, anything we can use to ID her."

Of course, Marge pulls through for them and the partners find themselves in front of the others, explaining the logistics.

"M.E. was able to pull a couple of usable prints off our victim's hand. ID came back as Victoria Wasson, 26. She was in the system for simple possession." Becklean slaps the victim's photo up onto the board.

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