~ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 5 ~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕣

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We finally made it to the diner, it was just like it was in the movie. We all sat in a booth. Ponyboy went in first, then me, then Jadyn. Then on the other side, Johnny went in first, then Jewel, then Dally. Two-Bit said cheerfully, "I'll grab a chair!" After he settled in his seat, the waitress came over. She gave a friendly smile, "Hello everyone! I'm Sarah and I'll be serving you today. Do you all want some time to look at the menu?" Dally said, "Nah I think we're ready. So, I want the deluxe burger meal with the fries and a cola." He turned to Johnny, "Johnnycake, you want the same thing right?" Johnny nodded and the waitress wrote it down. Two-Bit said to the lady, "I'll have the triple patty burger, everything on it, and a cola too." She scribbled, "Mhm!" Sarah turned to Jadyn, "What do you want to order honey?" Jadyn looked for a second at the menu and then she said, "The single patty with no cheese or onion, and fries please!" She wrote it down while saying, "Okay, and what would you like to drink?" Jadyn said, "The mandarin soda please!" "Okay got it!" Ponyboy smiled at me and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll order for you." I nodded at him. He knows me so so well! Ponyboy said to Sarah, "I'll be ordering for the both of us." The lady replied, "Very well! What would you two like?" "Two normal burgers, no mustard, cheese, or onions. With fries and a large chocolate milkshake to share." He said to me, "That sound about right, Mev?" I smiled at him, "yeah." The lady smiled and then looked at Jewel, "Okay, and for you young lady?" Jewel said, "A hotdog with mustard and ketchup. Do you have strawberry lemonade?" Sarah chirped, "We sure do! Is that all for you?" Jewel replied, "Yup, that's it!" The lady said as she collected the menus, "Your drinks will be out shortly and the food will take about 30 minutes." We all said, "Thank you!" as she left. Dally said, "Alright now that she's gone, why don't we tell Jadyn about the time we all met Mevis?" Two-Bit laughed, "Now that's a good story!" Jadyn exclaimed, "Please tell!!" Dally replied, "Alright, pony, why don't you start it off?" Ponyboy rested his hands on the table and started, "Alright. So Johnny and I were up at that old church in WIndrixville hiding from the cops..." Johnny added, "Well that's where we were supposed to be hidin'." Ponyboy nodded and continued, "And that's when Mev came in. She was already at the church doin' whatever it was she was doin', and the next thing you know..." He laughed a bit as he said, "SHE PULLS A HEATER ON US!!" Jadyn whispered to me, "A heater is a gun, right?" I whispered back, "Yup!" I then said loud enough for the gang to hear, "Oh come on! Yall know it was a reflex." Two-Bit said mockingly, "Reflex Schmeflex." I rolled my eyes at him and then Ponyboy continued, "So anyways, after that when we introduced ourselves, she invited us to stay at her place, and also I was thinkin' about how pretty she was, and she still is..." Everyone chuckled and he said, "Alright so we agreed, and we hopped into her car. I ended up fallin' asleep because I hadn't slept in a day or two. Now Johnny you continue it." As Johnny opens his mouth to talk, the waitress comes back with the drinks. Dally says with an overly sarcastic tone, "tHaNk yOu sOo mUcH..." She says a bit dryly, "Your food will be out soon." She then left and Johnny began to talk, "Alright, so we pull up at her house and yall know what mev does when she sees pony snoozin'?" He takes a sip of his cola as everyone questions, "WHAT?!?!" "She literally smiles, carries him, and puts him on her bed to sleep! HER BED!!" Everyone said, "AWWW!" Ponyboy and I just flushed. Dally smirked, "Ponyboy is such a softie man." Ponyboy blushed, "Oh shut it dall." Two-Bit snorted, "You're blushin' hard as hell pony!!" Pony glared at them coldly and I said sternly, "Boys calm down, don't be buggin' him about it." They both sighed and grumbled, "Sorry." I nodded, "Good." I looked at Johnny, "Now continue the story Johnnycake." Ponyboy whispered to me, "Thanks a million mev." I smiled at him and whispered back, "No problem!" He took a sip of the milkshake and slid it over to me. I sipped as Johnny got to the good stuff, "So then she makes dinner for us while Pony and I sleep. Then we talked more when we woke up, Ponyboy was flirting with her, and imma skip to the morning because that's when things get hilarious... when mevis meets..." Dally smiled and finished Johnny's sentence, "Meee!" Two-bit laughed, "Oh boyy!" Johnny asked, "You wanna take it from here, Dall?" Dally drank some of his cola and said, "Sure Johnnycake!" I grinned and said as ponyboy put his arm around my shoulders, "Go on dall, I think I remember it pretty well." Dally grinned at me, "Alright mev." He then continued, "So since I couldn't find the boys at the church, I thought you must've been close by, and I was right, right yall?" Johnny and Ponyboy said in unison, "Yeah." "Then I knock on the door and ask if you'd seen them around..." I said annoyed, "And then you flirted with me till the boys got up and when they did, Ponyboy said you guys were buddies." Dally started, "Oh c'mon mevvvv, that was a year agooo. We're buddies now aren't we?" I grumbled loudly, "Still doesn't make it right smartass... but hey, it was funny when I pissed you off that day, remember?" Everyone snickered and then Dally gave a wide smile, "I pissed you off too, and man, you were a feisty one..." I hissed, "I still am, now shut up and go on with the story.." He chuckled and said coolly, "Alright Alright... just cool it." Ponyboy rubbed my back and I calmed down. Surprisingly, he was annoying, maybe worse than Two-Bit, but that's how I probably would've guessed he would be anyway.

As the boys continued telling the story, the food came, and we all started eating. Surely enough, Darry, Soda, and Steve came to join us. They were all so kind to Jadyn and Jewel. It was hard to think that they were treated unfairly because they weren't rich. Everyone laughed as Sodapop was telling the gang how shy Pony was toward me, but I didn't laugh, it was cute to me. He was always such a caring person, so why make fun of that? Once that was over, I felt closer to Ponyboy. Sodapop said, "That sure was an adventure." We all walked outside as Darry said, "Yup, sure was something!" Jadyn smiled, "Yeah, I wish I was there! I can't believe you saved Johnny's life, mevis!" I shrugged, "It's not really a big deal.." Johnny and Jewel said, "YES IT IS!!!" Dally said to Jewel, "You should be proud of your sister, Jewel." She made a gesture with her hand as she said, "ehhhhh..." We all laughed and then Soda glanced at his watch and gasped, "Oh golly! Would you look at the time!!! Our break's over!" Darry checked his watch as well, "OH CRAP!! WE'VE GOTTA GET GOING!!" They both hugged Johnny, Ponyboy, and me while Soda said softly, "We'll see yall later, little brothers, and little sis." Then Steve started the car as the two of them ran and jumped in. I waved and yelled, "BYEEE!!!" Darry yelled back, "CYA KIDDO!" Soda yelled, "LOVE YALL!" The three of us waved as they drove off to work. I smiled, "It really feels like I'm part of the family!" Johnny smiled, "That's because you are sis, just like me!" Pony added, "Yea, we're all family here." I gave them a big quick hug, then Dally said, "So what do yall reckon we do?" Johnny suggested, "We could maybe head to the park until the sun sets." Ponyboy said, "Then when it's dark we can all go see a movie." Two-Bit raised his hand and smiled, "I'm innn, sounds funn!" Dally gave a side nod, "I'm in too." Jewel said, "I'm going obviously." Jadyn exclaimed, "ME TOO!!" Dally said, "Alright let's go." Two-Bit groaned, "We gonna walk?" Dally said as he patted Two-Bit's tummy, "Yeah. You gotta lay off the chocolate cake man." Two-Bit rubbed his head and grinned, "That's true!" We chuckled as we made our way to the park.

#𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤𝕕𝕠𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕖Where stories live. Discover now