chapter 1

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I am 23 years old and my name is Emily Morgan. Yes Arthur Morgan is my older brother by 10 years. People know me as Dead Eye Dorothy. (Don't ask me why Dorothy I guess because it starts with a letter D)

I have been in love with John Marston since I was 10 years old. I know it started off as a simple crush, then it grew as we did. We were only 3 years apart in age. Any more about me. I was only 3 months old when Arthur took me from our father and ran away with me. Dutch found us when I was 3 simply because I was cold and hungry. I ran out to follow Arthur and Dutch almost tripped over my little body.

I cried I wanted my brother. "Arfer," I screamed as Dutch picked me up.

Arthur ran back to get me and Dutch asked him what we were doing out this cold winter day. "We ran away mister," he said.

"Why?"Dutch asked.

"Our dad is or was a mean drunk! He was gonna sell her to some men when she was just a little baby. Said he didn't want any reminders of our momma around, and since she died giving birth to Emily she would be the first thing to go," Arthur said.
"I couldn't let that happen so I wrapped her up and ran away."

"Come with us," Dutch said.

"What no we ain't going back?!" Arthur said reaching for me.

"We are not. We have a house here and more than enough for the two of you to make yourself a home. I respect you wanting to keep your sister safe. I promise you that you both will be safe with us," Annabelle said.

"What do you want from us?" Arthur asked the man.

"Family, son is not always blood. It can be much more. I have a saying son, feed people as need feeding, clothe people as need clothing, and shot fellows as need sshooting," Dutch said.

"Alright but I go wherever she goes," he said.

"That's fine with me. Come on let's get you home and get you warmed up and something to eat," Dutch said.

Dutch taught Arthur how to shoot, rob, hunt, fish, and everything in between. Annabelle was killed shortly after we came to live with them, by Colm O'drisscal. So Bessie, Hosea's wife stepped up and taught me to read, write, cook, sew, clean, and Hosea taught me to be a con.

Arthur had taught me how to shoot and I had a dead eye aim without even thinking about it. Even though my name is Emily ever one calls me Dot. By the time I was ten I could shoot and kill a deer at 300 yards away. (I don't know anything about guns but I guess that's is pretty impressive for the time)

Dutch had brought home a boy named John he was 3 years older than me. John was taught to read and write by Hosea. Dutch taught him how to shoot and that was the start of the Van Der Linde Gang. I would sit and read for hours on end. John would sit with me and Arthur kept a close eye on us when he was around.

"Emily," Arthur called on day.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Let's go hunting," he said.

"I don't want to go," I said.

"Tough get your bag," he said.

"Arthur," I started.

"Now!" He yelled.

I grabbed my bag and threw it at him. "Let's go then!" I yelled back.

He put me on his horse and I wrapped my arms around him. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"I want you to meet some people," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"They are important to me," he said.

I sighed,"Couldn't you have just said that instead of being and ass?" I asked.

"Well would you have come if I told you. I want you to meet my son and his mother," he said.

"I'm an aunt and you didn't bother to tell me, that hurts Arthur," I said punching him in his arm.

"Ow, when did you get so tough?" He asked.

"When you were not looking, I am not a little girl anymore, in case you haven't noticed," I said.

"I have but I've been busy," he said.

"I know you have. We use to be inseparable," I said.

"Yeah now you've got John to bother," he said.

I blushed. "Yeah well it's different with him," I said.

"You like him," Arthur said.

"Hush," I said. "I ain't ready for all that but yeah I like him. I know I probably shouldn't."

"You know this life we live is dangerous," Arthur said.

"Yeah it's not for the weak," I said. "I know that."

"You are a better shot than me," he said.

"Yeah cause I get to practice more," I said. "While your out doing jobs with Dutch and Hosea. Plus I started out younger than you."

We rode up to a small house and Arthur hitched the horse. We climbed off and walked up to the door. A girl opened it holding a small baby of about 1, that looked a lot like Arthur.

"Liza this is my kid sister, Emily. Emily this is Liza and this little man is Issac," Arthur said.

"He is a handsome little man," I said.

Liza offered him to me. "Do you want to hold him?" She asked.

"I would love to," I said. I took him out of her arms and we sat down in the floor. I played with him and his laugh was adorable.

I fell in love with my nephew. He was such a sweet kid. He melted my heart. I loved spending the day with him, feeding him, playing with him, cleaning him up, and putting him to bed.

"He is asleep," I told Arthur and Liza.

"Thank you,"Liza said.

"He is a sweet kid," I said.

"He is," Arthur said smiling. He pulled out a few hundred dollar bills and handed them to Liza. "I'll send you more in a couple months."

"This really helps Arthur," she told him.

"You are welcome here anytime Emily," she told me.

"Thanks," I said.

Arthur kissed her cheek and we left. We decided to camp out that night. "So what do you think?" He asked.

"She seems sweet if that's what you mean," I said.

"Yeah," he said.

"Issac looks just like you Arthur. Except he is sweet," I said.

"Hey," he said and started tickling me.

I laughed. "You ass,' I said laughing.

"Say you give," Arthur said.

"Never," I squealed and wiggled out from under him. I took off and found a spot behind a tree and threw a pinecone at him.

"OH no you didn't," he said running toward me.

I laughed and dodged him easily. He tripped over his feet and landed in a mud hole. I laughed so hard I was crying. "I hope you brought a change of clothes," I said. "Or Miss Grimshaw is gonna have your ass."

"Damn," he said.

"Sorry not sorry," I said laughing.

Arthur laughed and pulled me down beside him. I elbowed him in the gut and got up. "Sorry not sorry," he said.

"See though I have a change of clothes," I said.

We laughed and Arthur opened a couple cans of beans and handed me a spoon. "Here," he said.

"Thanks," I said and ate.

After we ate, we laid down. We fell asleep from riding all day and playing with Issac. I don't regret a second of the day. I had spent it with the people I love.

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