chapter 10

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The next morning Abigail asked Arthur to go out and look for John. "Little John has got himself into a scape again," Arthur said.

"Come on Arthur," she begged.

"He would do it for you," Hosea said.

"I'm going with you," I said.

Javier spoke up,"Come on then," he said.

We rode out to look for John. We found in in rough shape. His leg had been shot and he had been attacked by wolves and had managed to get down the edge of the cliff so he could hide away from the wolves.

"I never thought I would be happy to see your ugly face," John said joking with Arthur. I wrapped his leg with the extra scrap cloth I had brought. "Thanks Em."

As we made our way back toward the horses the wolves decided now was the time to attack. I grabbed my rifle and  Arthur handed John to Javier. "We will handle them get him on your horse," Arthur said.

I shot the leader down as he came running down the mountain. Arthur took the next one and I followed suit shot the next one and Arthur the last. We ran to our horses as Javier had just settled John on behind him.

We started back as more wolves desended on us. Between Arthur and me we made quick work putting them down. "We should ride throught the river a bit mask the scent," Javier said.

"We are gonna have to come up with a different story for that scar," Arthur said.

"So getting shot, damn near freezing, and being eaten ain't enough for you," John said.

Arthur laughed, and I rolled my eyes. "Only you John," I said.

"Hush you," he said.

"See those building up ahead John, that's where we are hold up at," Javier said. "We're nearly there."

We got back and Javier called for help and Abigail, Hosea, and Strauss came out to help take John inside. "Thank you," Abigail told Arthur.

"Thank Emily too she killed more wolves than I did," Arthur said.

She looked back at me in shook her head. "Come on Arthur, you need to rest," I said.

I shrugged. "Look she doesn't like me anymore than I do her," I said. "I went because no matter what John does I'll always care about him."

"Yeah," he said.  "I know but she could be a bit great full to you."

"Don't worry about it," I said.

Micah came out watched me and Arthur walking toward our cabin. I smirked and I didn't pay him any attention. I just kept walking, he made my skin crawl.

"Missing Sean yet," he said walking up behind us.

"Back up Micah," Arthur said.

"Why? What are you gonna do cowpoke?" Micah asked.

"Don't make me tell you again, stay away from my sister," Arthur said.

"She likes it," Micah said.

"I don't believe that for a second," Arthur said.

"She will tell you," Micah said.

"Arthur don't listen to him," I said pulling Arthur.

"Come on Emily," Arthur said.

He threw a mincing look at Micah and grabbed my arm and walked me toward our cabin. "Come on and talk to me," he said.

"I don't want to talk about it Arthur. It won't do any good and you know it. No I didn't want it nor did I like it. He got me where I couldn't fight Arthur. So what does that tell you. He can say what he wants it ain't gonna change what happened. I know the truth and so does God " I said. "Now that's the last I want to hear about it. I don't even want to think about it anymore."

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